
Impact Of Technology In Nursing

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Technology has improved that way that we communicate, solve problems and apply knowledge. Societal trends shift our thinking to focus on the norms in society. Many of the social trends evolve around technology. Technology is a societal trend that has impacted nursing curriculum and patient education. Technology has enhanced nursing communication and solved problems by improving the application of nursing knowledge. Keywords: technology, patient education, nursing curriculum
Patient Education
The electronic health record is a digital record of patient information. All of the patient information is able to be shared on information networks by the individual authorized user. Through the use of the electronic health record, technology has increased collaboration between the health care team. Any documentation in the record about the patient’s condition can be easily accessed and coordinated to improve patient outcomes.
Technology has also improved patient education. Patient education should always consider the health literacy level of the patient. Literacy is defined as “ the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts” (Carter-Templeton, 2016, pg. 238). Ideally, and information provided to the patient should be at an appropriate reading level, in the patient’s primary language and culturally relevant. This enables the patient to effectively understand the nature of their

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