
Imperialism In Hungary

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Right now in some cramped Hungarian train station hub families huddle close to their respective loved ones filled with uncertainty about their future. Most notably they all share one thing in common and that is their mutual middle eastern heritage. Those who are brave enough to venture forth from this train hub risk being detained by Hungarian police officials on stand by. More often than not such an encounter is far from civil as reports of witnessed police brutality skyrockets. As an American one can not help but notice the striking similarities between this fervent anti immigration enforcement in Hungary and that of our own. However I should clarify that the immigration issue currently plaguing the united sates has not yet reached the same …show more content…

Wallerstiens theory submits the idea that when trying to understand the social implications of “world systems” one must first define a three tier hierarchy of power that a nation or society will fit in to. The “Core Countries” are traditionally capitalist western nations who profit of the exploitation of workers or an international scale. Most notably was European Imperialist plocies that carved out spaces in Africa. Hungary due to its close German affiliations would be one such nation, though it claimed sovereignty. Next would be the international social strata known as semi peripheral, which is posses characteristics relating to both core and peripheral. In the contemporary sense I would say Hungary would now be considered Semi peripheral due to the fact that it retains a level of obeisance to Germany. The fact that Hungary has fallen out of the core may also be a contributing factor to the over exertion of force when dealing with these immigrants. Last would be be the non-capitalistic nations who remain dependent on the core and semi peripheral due to structural developmental limitations placed on them by the dominate capitalistic societies as a means to stifle the development as a way to ensure continued

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