
Implementation Phase Of The Public Health Campaign

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In the implementation phase of the public health campaign, the focus will be to make sure that the target population such as all men and women who are at risk of becoming diabetic, and those who are also of a low socioeconomic status to able to participate in diabetes screening free of charge. Even in the planning phase, the campaign will plan to bring the screening to the low socioeconomic status community who are transportation challenged. At first the campaign will focus on the people of Florida; however, the idea is to spread the campaign nationwide. It will be necessary to have access to many resources such as volunteers, dependable stakeholders, location, Marketing strategies to start this campaign.
The timeline to start the …show more content…

A public campaign message needs to tap into the target audiences’ primary motivations. As the campaign is planning to focus on participants with low socioeconomic status, it is important for the message to be attractive to this target audience (Rimer & Glanz 2008). The participants also need to feel that there is hope in the message. It is essential to ensure that the participants are aware that the program is free of charge; therefore, a sample text message announcing that a new and free of charge program has arrived. The message will also spell that their participation will not only help to promote healthier living, but it will also help with their longevity. “More than two-thirds of the world's population now owns a mobile phone—can be used to deliver health messages to people anywhere and at the most relevant times” (Phillips et al., 2013, para 2.) The message will also be sent via a newsletter with the hope that the target audience will adopt it so that real change related to diabetes screening can start happening.
Since one of the focus of the program is to educate the population, it will be necessary to make sure that all materials met the reading requirement for the community. There will also be translated French, Creole and Spanish version of the printed materials. A translator will also be available to those who speak a different language. The participants will sign a contract that they understand this is a free service that can only

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