
Implementation Plan For A Work Health And Safety ( Whs ) System

Satisfactory Essays

Assessment task 2

Action/implementation plan
Item Milestone date Responsibility
Upgrade Work Health and Safety (WHS) system. Conduct meeting with WHS officer and manage new policy and procedure for work health and safety. Relevant legislation Fair Work Act 2009 ( Cwlth), Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW).

1st December 2016
HR manager (consultation)
Managers (meetings)
Employees (participate)
Improve anti-discrimination policy. Provide weekly training to upskill employees about anti-discrimination procedures. Relevant legislation: Anti-discrimination Act 1977 (NSW), Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cwlth), Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cwlth), Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cwlth), Racial Discrimination …show more content…

All the legislation will be explained and taken action in weekly meetings.

1st December 2016 HR manager
Operation manager
Training and activities of legal and ethical requirement in work field, weekly.

1st December 2016 HR manager
Apply new time management and time table for working procedures.
1st December 2016 Operation General Manager
Weekly, Cultural acknowledgement and activities for stakeholders to get to know more about culturally diverse.

1st December 2016
HR manager

Project Name: cost for the change strategy
Income Incl.GST Excl.GST
Sales from garden tools department 250,000$ 225,000$
Sales from all department 500,000$ 450,000$
Total income 750,000$ 675,000$
Expense Incl.GST Excl.GST
Developer/writer 360$ 324$
Advertising and promotions consultant 300$ 270$
Quality assurance person/editor 240$ 216$
WHS trainer/facilitator 1,200$ 1,080$
Anti-discrimination trainer/facilitator 1,2000$ 1,080$
Mary Stewart (WHS consultant) 750$ 675$
Jhon Ng (CPA) 750$ 675$
Pat Lee (lawyer; anti-discrimination expert) 750$ 675%
Off-site training room (catered) with space for ten people
Promotions package: email, social media, trade magazine placements, local newspaper copy 4,000$ 3,600$
Subtotal 12,000$ 10,800$
Contingency (+10%) +1,200$ +1,080$
Total 13,200$ 11,880$
Signature: Brang
Date: 12th December 2016

Communication plan
What Who Purpose When/frequency

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