
Importance Of Classroom Environment

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Identify why the topic is important to languages and explain it clearly.
The classroom environment plays an important role in the development of languages. Classroom environments need to be creative, stimulating and organise to promote a positive learning environment. If the classroom environments provided to students is lacking resources, unorganised and lacks classroom rules it will not only create a negative learning environment but can also affect children's mental health (American Sociological Association. 2011). A language classroom really needs to provide clear learning goals, feedback, opportunities to build social skills especially since the language being taught might be new to most if not all and most importantly it needs to provide students with different strategies to help them success (Young, 2009). Provide a positive classroom environment will not only motivate students to learn but also help them feel valued which can result in students to succeed.
Provide well-researched information about the topic with extensive reference to academic literature.
Include a critical analysis of the literature/ topic. The educational Psychology book by O'Donnell. M.A, Dobozy. E, Bartlett. B, Nagel. C. M, Spooner-Lane. R, Youssef-Shalala. A, Reeve. J, Smith K.J. the authors support that the classroom environment plays a crucial role in the development of the child learning. It is stated, "the attractiveness of the classroom, the arrangement of the

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