
Importance Of Hope For World Peace

Decent Essays

Hope I find is something we rely on too much. We use our hope for our current mistakes or situations. All my life i have people asking me how does hope help me but can we really answer that question? We have no idea what the world will be like in any given amount of time; we don't even know if we'll be alive at that given time. Even if I don't wind up being alive in the next five, ten, fifteen years, there are many things that I hope for the entire world of the future.
. One thing I would like for future Earth is peace. Though many have pointed out that complete world peace is impossible, that there will always be a war, I have a different definition of peace. I like to picture the world as a group or a team, where everyone works together to reach the same goal. Each person on the team might have their differences that they may ignore, and sometimes teammates fight with each other. Minus their differences, they all join together to work towards their goal. This is my vision of a peaceful world. We know that there are some countries that want to blow up other ones; they don't get along. I think that every person from every country being best friends is unrealistic, but I do think that we can all band together to work towards our main goal: staying alive. Because in the end, isn't that what we're all trying to do? War is inevitable in some cases but sometimes a simple conversation can change everything. I can't deny that this won't be easy, but this is something I would hope

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