
Importance Of Macronutrients On The Body 's Organs And Tissues Essay

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Importance of Macronutrients Protein Proteins in a simple explanation, are bulky intricate molecules that play a major role in cells and are essential for the function, construction, and regulation of the body’s organs and tissues. Proteins are comprised of thousands of smaller components named amino acids. Proteins are commonly found in a plethora of foods including fish, beef, pork, dairy products, and chicken (“Lipids and proteins”, 2012). The RDA for protein is 46 g/day for women and 56 g/day for men. Other than the fact that vitamins (macronutrients) in general aid in normal body functioning, growing, and developing, each one has a special role to play in the body. Protein is such a crucial and useful component in one’s personal diet plan to maintain proper health because it is an important building block of skin, blood, muscles, cartilage, and bones. Therefore, this explains why working protein into a personal diet plan is so crucial (McGuire & Beerman, 2013). Lipids Lipids in a simple explanation are molecular organic compounds (comprised primarily of hydrogen and carbon) that are crucial for cell growth. They are insoluble in water and join proteins and carbohydrates to form the predominant part of animal as well as plant cells. Lipids are commonly found in a plethora of foods including fish, fatty vegetable oils, avocados, cheese, and nuts (“Lipids and proteins”, 2012). The RDA for lipids are 44-78 g/day for adults. Other than the fact that vitamins (macronutrients)

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