
Important Element For Employee 's Career Growth

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Summary: Some multicultural characteristics that can cause individuals to sell themselves short and lack of confidence. Women are actually more likely to express their lack of confidence. The feeling of “I don’t belong here” is a mental barrier that is part of the multicultural characteristics that hold people back. Their competence and performance were never an issue. All employees want to be included in communicating inclusiveness, multicultural employees tend to feel as though they are not included or that their opinion is not valued. Multicultural employees are considered to be polychromic employees. This leads managers to believe that they are not ready for a promotion and prefer to be stuck in their comfort zone. Moving from supporting role to headliner, many diverse employees believe that in order to advance their careers their performance must be good. Top executives also require that they have created and developed a good organizational reputation and credibility. Getting and giving critical feedback is an important step to advancing one career path. An important element for employee’s career growth is feedback. When an employee is not getting feedback, particularly critical feedback, it can and has ruined many careers. Millennial employees will request a wide range of responsibilities, even on the first day of work and do not be astonished will they completed the entire assigned responsibilities. They have a can-do attitude, but often require frequent feedback

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