
Essay on Important Elements Of A Campaign Strategy

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Important Elements of a Campaign Strategy

Campaigning for any type of elected office requires a sharp eye for detail in regard to what voters are looking for in a candidate. A campaign strategy should be comprehensive in its efforts to reach as many voters as possible. Yet, without a solid base of ideas from which to expand upon, the message being conveyed can easily be lost or taken out of context. In order for a campaign manager to avoid this blunder from occurring and maximize the candidate's chances of victory, he or she must pay attention to a few basic campaigning elements before attempting to stretch the campaign to its maximum visibility. First, the campaign manager must identify the important …show more content…

Still, it is vital for a candidate at any level to develop a grasp of the different groups that will decide his or her fate. As stated earlier, this dimension of the campaign process is primarily dealt with before the campaign commences. Once completed, the popular definition of the word campaign takes form.
Conveying a message to the voters in the form of speeches, advertisement, and public appearances is the primary objective of a political campaign. This lets the public know what any given candidate can offer them if elected to office. The simplest manner in which to convey whatever message is to incorporate it into a campaign theme. "It is a serious mistake to assume that voters are paying close attention to your election, or any election" (Shea 1996,
148). The fact is that most voters do not go out of their way to make the right voting choice. All a voter wants is a quick and simple reason to vote for a candidate. If every voter researched the possible candidates before each election, campaigning would be obsolete. The political campaign serves as a vehicle to inform voters. The best and most effective way for a candidate to do this is with a campaign theme. A campaign theme should be general in nature.
It should be an idea that a large group can grab hold of. If the theme selected is too precise, it portrays the candidate as narrow minded. Simply put, the broader a theme is, the more voters it attracts (Shea 1996,

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