
My Personal Communication Philosophy

Decent Essays

My personal communication philosophy includes two factors that will support improved comprehension among those attempting to connect. The following paper will discuss these two elements: merging communication styles to aid in understanding and communication intent vs. perception.
Everybody, either knowingly or unknowingly, utilizes a preferred communication style. My style is centered on merging my preferred communication techniques with the communication style of those to which I am relating. We all have preferred methods to send and receive information. If you choose not to communicate with someone utilizing a method that they appreciate and understand, your message will not be understood, heard or valued.
I communicate in a very practical, concise way. Give me the facts, make it simple and I will happily receive your communication. I once worked with an individual who did not appreciate facts or concise conversations. She preferred large, sweeping hand gestures, flowery stories and lengthy conversation to communicate a concept. She and I have very different communication styles. I quickly learned that if I used my concise techniques, she did not understand nor appreciate the conversation. If I wanted to effectively communicate with her, I had to adopt her style, tempo and verbosity. Once I adopted this method, …show more content…

The initiator typically has a clear vision of the intent of the message. The receiver will either decipher the message as intended, or assign an alternate meaning to the message. It is the equal responsibility of both parties to understand the intent of message and not rely on the perception of the receiver. “Words don’t mean things, people mean things” (Griffin, 2012, p.7). Words and the delivery of the message can often be misconstrued, so we must be accountable for clear message delivery and committed to understanding the message as intended. First perceptions are not always accurate

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