High school is a time for learning, growing, and reaching important milestones. One of these milestones that most people look forward to is falling in love. I was one of those people that looked forward to it since I could remember. I grew up watching teen romance movies that gave me the wrong expectations of boys. I fell in love and got my heart destroyed. After dating for a few years, we broke up. Nothing prepares you for the emotional roller coaster that comes with a broken heart. I was completely devastated and felt my life was over at 16 years old. After realizing I was dramatizing the situation, in an attempt to move forward in life, I decided to get a dog for companionship. I scanned through the Sunday paper for someone giving away dogs
My palms were sweating, my heart was racing, I had no idea what to expect or who I was going to meet. I was never the type of girl to embrace new situations, I hated change and I wasn’t very good with meeting new people. I figured once I got to high school it would be my chance to start all over, turn the page in my book of life, and flip over a new leaf. I wanted to finally be the girl that fit in with everyone. I had imagined myself going to parties with big groups of my new friends, having sleepovers and doing all of the things cool high school kids normally do. I was certain that my high school career would be just like one of those really corny teen movies and I would live happily ever after with the homecoming crown and the boy of my
My major accomplishments will be regarded as reaching out to the professional Hockey league. To reach out to my goal, I would have to work and train hard or I will not make it. Also that would include missing out on hanging out with my friends, going to parties, and avoiding circumstance were drinking, or drugs come in place, because both of those would end my career.
Most Californians are introduced to the California Mission system in one of two ways: in their early education, or when they first visit a mission. Unfortunately, both methods are prone to simplification or bias in conveying the history of the missions. What this has led to is Californians who are ignorant of the history of the land they walk on. Consequently, visitors to the missions treat them as mere tourist attractions, instead of trying to embrace and understand the complex issues the missions represent.
This is a nice start. You have some good points and ideas here like ______ This assignment is an important one in preparation for Milestone II and III. You will need to have several (at least 3 preferably 4) strong comparison points in those projects. The types of comparison points I really like to see are ones that say something important about the cultures you are examining. It also helps to strengthen your posts to give a point and then back it up with details or evidence. An example of this would be: Both the Mesopotamians and Egyptians build Pyramid like structures. The Mesopotamians used their pyramids to house cult statues of the gods and for religious worship. The Egyptians used theirs to bury their dead kings,
An example of a life changing milestone is something that changes a person’s perspective and thinking about themselves. I’m writing about how one Christmas changed how I acted, thought, and felt about myself. It was an early Christmas morning, I got up to the smell of freshly baked pancakes and bacon. I hurried up and got dressed so I could go eat some breakfast.After I ate breakfast I had to wait for my grandmother to arrive.When she got there we opened all but one present under the tree. It had my name on it and it was in a little tiny box, so tiny I almost didn’t see it. I slowly opened it to find a little note. On the note it told me to go into the garage. In the garage was another note, that lead back to the house and under the stairs.
Grace, a fourth grade student, sat with her parents at the park. The excited little girl was telling her parents all about her teacher, Mrs. Triple, when something caught her eye: a red butterfly fluttering about the colorful flowers. She immediately ceased speaking and bolted over to see what this fabulous creature was! The way that it glided from flower to flower simply entranced her; Grace thought this creature was the most fantastic thing in the world. It simply amazed her that something so small could be so beautiful; as a result, she watched the butterflies in the park for hours. Unfortunately, her parents did not appreciate this behavior as their daughter was not paying attention to them. They told her that was
The first and most obvious fact of life when it comes to high school relationships, is that the connection between you and your supposed partner is about as stable as a worn-out tightrope with only a couple good walks left in it before the ground finds out what your intestines taste like.
You’re a freshman right now. You’re soft, sensitive, and vulnerable. You’ll meet a girl who happens to be four years older than you. You’ll give her all of your heart. You will open up to her and believe every word she tells you, most of which turn out to be lies. You’ll start lying to your family because of her. She’ll demand you stop talking to friends that she doesn’t like. She will be the reason you let your grades drop. She will have complete and utter control over you, but you won’t notice, nor believe it if someone told you at that time.
When people hear the term “loving” the first thing that pops into their minds is a relationship. Essentially, they aren’t wrong, but relationships don’t have to be solely romantic. Acting as a loving person doesn’t have to be tied to a romantic connotation, in fact, the act of becoming a loving individual as a Prep grad at grad usually centers around being a loving individual in the eyes of friends, family, and most importantly, loving yourself. Much of the confusion surrounding the high-school setting that plagues incoming freshman year after year is learning how to act in front of a relatively new community. At least for me, the majority of depictions of high-school life on popular mediums such as television shows and movies horrified me as a child. High-school seemed like an environment filled with rampant drug use, drinking, and unwarranted fighting about seemingly useless things. I specifically remember staying up late one night while I was in sixth grade and watching the Owen Wilson movie, “Drillbit Taylor” in which three bullied students in high-school hired a body guard in order to protect themselves from other students. This movie completely terrified me as I wondered if I too would be physically bullied for no reason in high-school. Now of course most of the things depicted in mainstream media about high-schools are
At times, obstacles can stand in ones way of accomplishing goals. But is the accomplishment worth the fight? Growing up in a single parent, low socioeconomic, household of five, I know overcoming obstacles far too well. I can honestly say I learned my conquering tactics from the best, my mother. Making ends meet has been a way of life for my family. Although we were living paycheck to paycheck, it is only by the grace of God we made it through. Without a dime to send me or my siblings to college, she never belittled our dreams. She would always say that “a man with a plan is a dangerous man indeed because he knows what he wants and he knows where he is going”.
In the fourth grade, I developed a crush on this guy whom I shall call N. It was an intense, but immature kind of love most often described as “puppy love” to many people. Being a shy, slightly overweight, and comically awkward fourth grader, I formed my first crush on a boy who would talk to me everyday and made me feel “special”. Of course, when fourth grade ended, the crush ended with the year and life continued on. The Earth was still spinning and I didn’t shed any tears. The following year, I found out N moved to a different elementary school and I thought nothing of it. I didn’t expect to see him again.
I was a cute kid. A really, really cute kid, up until 1st grade. Then that’s when I started to become the chubby cute kid. I loved junk food and would sneak into the kitchen late at night and find the unhealthiest food my mom had hiding in the kitchen then I would eat it all in one sitting, whether it was a box of chocolate granola bars, a bag of Lay 's Potato Chips, or some delicious leftovers, I would proudly devour them.
In the future, I want to achieve many accomplishments. Furthering my education is currently my main priority. By continuing my education, I’m going to gain more knowledge and experience in the real world. Going to post-secondary school for 2-3 years is going to provide for me so much in the future. Obtaining my associates in applied science degree in radiography is my first step to become successful in life. After completing my education at Western Technical College; I intend to continue my education at Mayo School of Health Sciences in Rochester to receive my radiation therapy certification. The following characteristics will help me achieve my educational goals and many more: bilingual, trustworthy, humble, hardworking, honest, focused, confident,
My life can be compared to a travel book. It is full of pages and chapters about places and significant milestones that took me to where I am right now. Some chapters are similar to festivals in Spain and some can be compared to the depressing, dirty and chaotic streets of Manila. This paper will focus on life milestones that made a significant impact towards my literary development. It will showcase important moments of my childhood, prepubescent and young adult life that will have an effect towards my future as a teacher.
Ah, high school. The only place where people can see a person’s future change in an instant. Just like pages in the book no human has ever read and or remembered, what experiences we had in high school will never be replicated. Our minds change in high school and because of these changes we only experience what we interpret as good and bad never truly having the knowledge of what could have been if we had only changed one word in a sentence or the facial expressions we made. This is true not only in high school but in adult life as well. Every waking moment we face experiences that we could never have the chance to experience again.