
Important Quotes From Things Fall Apart

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6.“Among the Igbo the art of conversation is regarded highly, and proverbs are the palm oil with which words are eaten.” The use of language in the Igbo culture compared to Western culture is very different. In America and most of Europe sentences tend to be direct and focus on getting a point across. The Igbo however, use what we would consider inefficient small talk in every interaction so much so that it is tradition. That is what diffuses tension when Okonkwo’s father Unoka owes money because they talk about friendly subjects, specifically through proverbs, and eat before discussing how much Unoka owes. This helps to create a nonviolent interaction. Although this contrasts to our own culture, it also holds a similarity. Even if it's not …show more content…

My favorite event from Things Fall Apart is when the locusts come to Umuofia. It's my favorite event because it can so easily be compared to the Europeans arrival in many ways, acting as a foreshadow to later in the book. “And at last the locusts did descend. They settled on every tree and on every blade of grass; they settled on the roofs and covered the bare ground. Mighty tree branches broke away under them, and the whole country became the brown-earth color of the vast, hungry swarm.” The locusts settle, destroy tree branches or a community, are everywhere and have a ruling or consumptive nature just like the European colonists. However, it's not just one sided. The locusts also bring great fortune as they are hearty and plenty to eat. This represents the trade, money and information Europeans brought with them, all of which benefitted the tribes. To surmise, my favorite event from the book is when the locusts come to Umuofia because of its foreshadowing properties. Comparing the Europeans to the locusts was very interesting and made me think, part of why I liked it so …show more content…

In Northeast Nigeria, where the book Things Fall Apart takes place, the terrorist group Boko Haram is constantly causing the governrnent trouble. Whether it’s when they kidnapped over 200 girls from a school, kidnapped and trained child soldiers, or just this March attempted to bomb a Mosque. Not to mention how Polio and malnutrition are indirectly being worsened by the group. However, the similarity to 20th century Umuofia is uncanny. This is because both Boko Haram and the Igbo share the same fight, that against western culture. Boko Haram actually translates to Western education is a sin. Although it’s not their full, official name, it is it’s slang name and what the media uses. Consisting of muslims the group has many differing beliefs to all of Western society, largely gender related. Not all people share equal rights, another struggle that also occurs in the book. In conclusion, Through this group, although they are terrorists and the Igbo were not, you can see that people are still fighting against the same change in that area, even if it’s under a different

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