
Important Values In Our Life

Decent Essays

Values are important beliefs or ideals that people use in their lives to guide them morally. They guide people in determining the distinction between right and wrong and helps to identify what’s important to them in their lives. Being able to establish, prioritize, and understand the values that are important and pertinent to your life, such as: valuing nature, practicing a religion, and community awareness; can aid in the pursuit of obtaining good values.
Valuing nature and the ecosystem is important because it affects us all. When an ecosystem is upset, it can throw a whole town or city out of sync. A ecosystem is like a row of dominoes if one falls they all fall. Which can be disastrous for the nearby populace is can lead to flooding, animals going extinct, water shortage, food shortage and unmanageable pollution will cause health problems. Which is why it is important that we take care of our ecosystem and value nature because if we don’t it can be potentially deadly. Despite this, many people continue to disrespect nature and the ecosystem. Recycling is one way that we can show that we value the environment and nature, because it results in less waste ending up in landfills. Recycling also helps lower the levels of pollution. The problem is that most Americans can’t and won’t effectively recycle. Emphasizing the importance of recycling and how to recycle is another way that portrays how we value the ecosystem. As well as helping better the environment for future

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