There are a range of barriers to access to healthcare for elderly people in Shanghai, China (Chung, H. J., Han, S. H., Kim, H., & Finkelstein, J. L.,; Davis, A., Meyerson, B. E., Aghaulor, B., Brown, K., Watson, A., Muessig, K. E., . . . Tucker, J. D.,; Lin, C., Li, L., Ji, G., & Jie, W.; Lin, L., Brown, K. B., Yu, F., Yang, J., Wang, J., Schrock, J. M., . . . Wong, F. Y; Shi, L., Lee, D., Liang, H., Zhang, L., Makinen, M., Blanchet, N., . . . Wu, S.; So, W. K., Choi, K., Chan, C. W., Tang, W. P., Leung, A. W., Chair, S., . . . Yu, B. W.; Wang, X., & Pan, J.). The need of hip replacement, cancer and breast cancer are a few contributing factors to this issue. Elderly patients are being affected by this issue as there are a number of barriers to accessing healthcare like cost, quality and transportation (Shi et al.). These all contribute to the main overlying issue of having access to health care (Shi et al.). Lin states that African migrants experienced various barriers to accessing health care and were dissatisfied with local health services (Lin et al.).
According to So (2013), healthcare professionals need to distribute resources for a better services; this needs to be more person-centred to meet the needs of the cancer survivors (So et al). Additionally, Shi found that in gaining medical care in the evenings, weekends or even holidays, health care professional need to contact patients for follow-up care. Furthermore, Shi states that it is also important for
This essay aims to represent an argument between two view points: to remain in their own homes with ongoing support from families and the health system or going to residential aged care of elderly in Australia. Especially, it deals with the issue of increasing ageing population in Australia includes statistical information highlighting some causes and telltales. The context presented is economic and social. It also looks at the effects that increasing of the ageing population has on society, the individual and the Australian economy.
emerge as a professional entity until the beginning of the 20th century, with the progress in biomedical science. Since then, the
Q2-Evaluate Vegemite’s brand image based on the social media research undertaken by Talbot and his team .In light of these historic factors, Why did Talbot want to revitalize the brand?
not understanding or being aware of an individual’s wishes, beliefs, needs, values and culture, not giving people time and space to speak, being in noisy or overcrowded spaces, sitting or standing too far away or too close invading peoples personal space and poor/bad/unwelcoming body language.
Westmount Nursing Inc. is a for profit chain with seven different nursing homes. It has a grown from a small few bed facility to a facility with 4 different divisions that made to help make seniors more independent. The Westmount Nursing Homes were in search for a chief executive officer and president, which was filled by Shirley Carpenter. After Shirley Carpenter came on to the company, many changes were made and implemented. Some implementations were successfully, but she was also challenged with many problems with the Union Federation of Nurses and the Board of directors regarding wages and total quality management implementation. My recommendation would be for Shirley to stop the implementation of total quality management and focus on
2. Think of an example of a time you have received feedback from others than has improved your knowledge, skills and understanding. This may have been from your assessor, tutor, a supervisor or line manager, or individuals using the service. Description of experience How did this experience improve your knowledge, skills and understanding?
Taking care of the individuals that are getting older takes many different needs. Most of these needs cannot be given from the help of a family. This causes the need of having to put your love one into a home and causing for the worry of how they will be treated. It is important for the family and also the soon to be client to feel at home in their new environment. This has been an issue with the care being provided for each individual, which has lead to the need of making sure individuals have their own health care plan.
Mr. Trosack is a 72 year old man who fell down a long flight of stairs a month ago, underwent a total hip replacement and is in need of a discharge plan. He completed two weeks of rehabilitation in the hospital for his hip as well as diabetic teaching for his new onset of Diabetes. It was also discovered during this hospitalization that he needed to start taking medication for hypertension. Both he and his family are in denial about what it will take to get him home and deliver the care that is needed.
After spending an afternoon interviewing my elderly father-in-law, I gained insight into how he perceives the aging process and the impact on the quality of his life. First, and foremost he viewed aging in a very positive and healthy manner. He believes that a positive attitude assists in accepting physical and psychosocial changes and enjoyed the fact that he and his wife are both physically fit and cognitively alert. He felt confident that advances made in health care and the quality of their lives would continue to be empowering. He enjoys the benefits of being a senior citizen including discounted travel, free education, and other incentives marketed towards seniors. He expressed a sense of well-being with respect to the numerous
Vulnerability is defined as susceptibility or increased risk for health problems (DeChesnay, 2008). A group of individuals are considered at higher risk for illness when their physical, emotional, psychological, or social health, is compromised (Aday, 2001). There are many leading causes for why a population is considered at higher risk; socioeconomic, age, gender, demographics, personal, and cultural backgrounds are some of the key factors (Aday, 2001; Sebation, 1996). Individuals can become vulnerable at any time because of change in life circumstances, placing them at higher risk. One group
Individuals living in Long Term Care facilities are among the most vulnerable of populations during a disaster. Many lessons have been learned from devastations like Hurricane Katrina, Rita, and Wilma that occurred in 2005 in regards to the disaster preparedness levels of Long Term Care Facilities (LTC).
Long-term care can be defined as a broad set of paid and unpaid services for people who are mentally or physically disabled, or whose chronic illness places them in need of medical or personal assistance for long periods of time. “It is estimated that there are more than twelve million Americans of all ages whose mix of serious disability and chronic illness places them at the high risk for functional decline, hospitalization, or nursing home placement.” (Benjamin) Several different populations require long-term care services, and the needs of these populations vary. In addition to the elderly, many of the long-term care users are younger persons with physical disabilities; persons with developmental disabilities; and persons with chronic
A nursing home isn’t the only option when a family member has trouble cooking, cleaning or caring for himself or herself. In home assisted living allows seniors to continue living in their homes with a little help. Since 2002, BrightStar of Northern Michigan has provided home caregivers who offer a variety of home care services, including skilled nursing and dementia care. The Traverse City, MI, home care provider explains how these services can benefit the entire family.
R/602/2954 Understand Employment Responsibilities and Rights in Health, Social Care or Children and Young People’s Settings
The older adult population in the United States has steadily increased thanks to technology and medical advances. While this definitely is an undeniable achievement, it also creates some challenges that society was not as prevalent to face before. Now that people are living longer it’s also means that often times family members are becoming caregivers to their loved ones during their so called golden years. Not only may it be difficult to care for a loved one, but it also becomes even more burdensome when their loved has a disability. In fact “dementia is one of the major causes of disability and dependency among older people worldwide.” (2016). Fortunately there are adult day centers that serve people with dementia and provide services that can benefit them. However many times caregivers are forgotten about and aren’t provided services that can also benefit them as well. While it does take a bit of pressure off of the caregivers while their loved ones are at the day center, it does not eliminate all the other effects. Many people may not be aware that there are detrimental effects that a caregiver may experience as a result of caring for someone with dementia.