
Increase College Dropouts

Decent Essays

Increase in college drop-out: Rough draft Why is the college dropout rate steadily increasing? These numbers include the freshmen, sophomores, and the juniors who seem to be the most affected. The majority of students are dropping out because of the higher cost of tuitions. Most college dropouts could not afford the cost of textbooks and other fees in order to continue their education. Also the lack of study skills needed to help them succeed and not enough resources available to students. A lack of balance of a social life and academics is somewhat difficult for most college student, allowing friends and pleasure to out weight their academic schedule. Drinking, staying up late, and blowing off class may lead to expulsion or a …show more content…

Due to higher increases in tuition and costs, most families cannot afford to be paying these fees. Sometimes, scholarships and grants are not enough to cover the student fees. A lot of students find it very hard to buy textbooks, and at a point, they may decide to drop. Other students who are working in order to meet up these bills end up not being able to balance the job force and their academics, so they also drop. Most questions that come to people’s mind when planning for college is, “What should I be doing to get ready for meeting the cost of my education? And what specific financial support or programs are available to me at the school where I plan to apply?” It is necessary that you get answers to these questions before going to …show more content…

Schools should put in place more networks of peer groups or peer teams and make it mandatory to all students to get involved. This can make it very easy for them to cope with college hard demand schedule and homework. In some ways, discussion groups and interactions of learning teams will help the student to take interest in academic progress. Also, competitions among the peer groups will give a student chance to fit into academic demand. This can make the academic stress become fun. It is interesting to know that success in beating other groups will make up for lack of concentrations and encouragement. Of course, no student can succeed without academic participation and commitment. In a book by Tim R. Westerberg, he stated 6 strategies for moving schools from good to great “1. Developing clear instructional Goals. 2. Developing a Common vision of effective instructions. 3. Using frequent Formative Assessment. 4. Tracking of student Progress. 5. Providing Timely Intervention for Struggling Student. 6 Celebrating Student Success” (Westerberg 4). This is where peer groups and professors will have to play a major role that will help bring the student`s mind alive and love for academic

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