
Influence Of The Maasai Tribe In Africa

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The Maasai are a unique ethnic group in Africa that are well known for preserving their long-held traditions despite modern civilization and western influence (“Maasai Tribe”). The Masaai are located in South Kenya and North Tanzania, mainly concentrated around the border of the two countries. Their area of occupancy is often referred to as Maasailand (). One of the largest cities located near the Maasailand is Nairobi. Nairobi is the capital city of Kenya and is a popular attraction for tourist because of its large National Park, national museums, and game reserve. The game reserve breed endangered black rhinos and are home to giraffes, zebras, lions, and other wildlife. Due to its abundance of buildings and infrastructure, Nairobi can be …show more content…

The Great Rift Valley– a lowland region created by the interaction of tectonic plates– bisects the Kenyan highlands vertically down the country and eventually extends through Tanzania. The Great Rift Valley consists of many different types of vegetation ranging from deserts in the arid plains to fertile, vegetation rich areas in highlands and mountainous regions (Bodley 152). Along the Great Rift Valley are both active and semi-active volcanoes including Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. There are also many hot springs that are heated by underground volcanic …show more content…

Since the countries are extremely close to the equator, the variability in temperature is small and almost unchanging. The main weather variations in the Maasailand are best described in terms of wet and dry seasons. Kenya and Northern Tanzania experience two rainy seasons: the “short rains” in November and December and the “long rains” from January to May. The short rains are characterized by unpredictable rain that can sometimes be heavy. The rain typically falls closer to late afternoon or during the evenings. The months of long rains are characterized by daily rain showers. However, rain does not usually fall throughout the entire day. Although January and February are considered to be apart of the wet season, these months can experience very small amounts of rain or even dry spells (“Tanzania Climate”). The dry season is from July to September and during this time rain does not occur often. Skies are usually clear and sunny and the temperature is cooler during this time (“Kenya

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