Proposal for Addressing the Issue The first alternative, to such a policy includes immediate dismissal of any staff that refuse to comply regardless of being directed that it is a requirement (Brady, 2013). According to Brady et al. (2013), policies that dismiss staff who do not comply usually have higher rates of compliance. The second alternative, includes work restrictions for the unvaccinated workers during Influenza season and an overall increase in insurance premiums (Vaughan & Arsneault, 2014). This option would deter the spread of the virus in the infected to the uninfected because of the limited point of exposures to the source. The unvaccinated healthcare worker would therefore, be subjected to working fewer hours and face higher …show more content…
Additionally, there would be a reduction in the influenza virus attack rate and result in less budgetary spending on crisis mitigation at an economic level. In addition, there would be less chance of an Influenza outbreak healthcare and a reduced risk for influenza transmission. The policy being recommended would not incur any additional cost be rather reducing the total healthcare spending. It would be easy to implement because though some may consider it a drastic approach, it would be an economically viable option. Conclusion In concluding, the mandatory influenza vaccination of healthcare workers is important and well needed policy to address the reluctance of healthcare workers to be annually vaccinated. The policy is not only necessary but also needs to be enforced to be highly effective. The first alternative which states that there will immediately dismissal for those who fail to comply seems to be the best since many privately owned organizations, which have implemented this policy see up to 100% increase in compliance, and less of their workforce absent from work due to
Influenza results in excess of two hundred thousand hospitalizations in the United States (Tosh & Jacobson, 2010). Mortality rates for influenza related illness have risen. The purpose of this paper is to discuss mandated healthcare influenza vaccination in healthcare workers and will examine a Cochrane review summary, mandated healthcare influenza vaccination, and healthcare worker immunization practices in a Veterans Affairs Health Center.
In conclusion, healthcare workers should have to receive a mandatory influenza vaccine to ensure a safe environment for patients to be treated. The worker’s rights are not violated
Annually there are a number of children who contract the influenza during the influenza season that results in an increase in costs in pediatric office visits and antibiotic and other medications consumption and also in a significant increase in absences from school and work. Thus influenza vaccination of children can help reduce the number of visit to pediatric office, hospitalizations, and help prevent the spread of influenza in the wider community. Moreover vaccinating children is cost effective when considering all the cost of treatment for influenza and its complications. Therefore yearly vaccination of children with the inactivated influenza vaccine save parent money and time away from the pediatric clinic. Influenza vaccine does not
As a result, the burden placed on the health care system is significantly reduced. Therefore, people at a high risk of contracting influenza should seriously consider being vaccinated. Evidence suggests that educating high-risk people about the influenza vaccine is worthwhile. For example, during the influenza season of 2000-2001, 70% of adults 65 years of age and older received the flu shot. This suggests
Do you go every year to receive your flu shot? Is it a tradition to take your family to go get vaccinated? For health care workers it is mandatory. Some other occupations require flu shots as well. The flu is a very communicable disease. Anyone can get sick from the flu, it may even be fatal. Health care workers are exposed to many different kinds of germs and many other harmful pathogens daily. It should be required for every personal to get a flu shot to help stop the spread of the flu virus and make for a healthier community.
Vaccinations have been a topic of controversy among various populations for decades. The controversy exists around the decision to be vaccinated for certain contagious diseases or to omit receiving vaccinations for various reasons including those of medical, ethical, and religious derivation. The profession of healthcare faces a particular obstacle in regard to annual vaccinations against influenza. This review will discuss the following ethical debate: Is it ethical to mandate health care workers to receive annual influenza vaccinations? For the purposes of this review, the term ‘health care worker’ will be defined as any person who is employed by a health care institution and participates in personal interactions with patients. Undoubtedly, registered nurses (RNs) are among the most prevalent of all health care workers. This topic was chosen because influenza is a rampant and contagious respiratory virus that carries the potential to infect anyone. According the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) (2014), approximately 5 to 15 percent of the United States population becomes infected with influenza annually and roughly 200,000 people are hospitalized each year due to influenza. Clearly, influenza generates havoc for many people; however, the virus can be largely prevented by receiving an annual vaccination. Annual influenza vaccinations have been rendered the best way to prevent seasonal influenza and have also been deemed safe (CDC, 2014). Health care workers
Hi my name is Marah and today I am going to persuade you to get a Flu vaccination. I recently got a job working at Walgreens Pharmacy. Every day that I work I see people coming in to pick up their prescriptions that don’t look like the feel very great, with a tissue in one hand and their money in the other. No one wants to be sick, it’s not fun and it makes you feel like crap and you get absolutely nothing done. So it would only make sense if everyone was taking the precautionary measure in getting a flu shot. People should be lining up to get their vaccinations in order to prevent them from them getting sick and missing school, work or important events; but they aren’t, at Walgreens, we give maybe about 4 flu shots a day,
With influenza vaccination rates remaining low in the HCP population, there has recently been an increased emphasis on improving vaccination rates among HCPs. Low influenza vaccination rates have caused many healthcare facilities to initiate and mandate employees to receive the influenza vaccine. Research has proven to reduce morbidity and mortality among patients in healthcare facilities as well as decrease illness and absenteeism among HCPs (Sickbert & Weber, 2013). For these reasons multiple professional organizations are recommending an annual influenza vaccine for all HCPs, if medically suitable for this vaccination. Requiring a physician waiver for non-suitable HCP, all non-suitable HCP are expected or required to wear a mask in direct patient care areas.
Ethically we must also respect and support each other as co-workers and protect each other from being infected by the flu. It is shown that when influenza vaccination is mandatory, many workers will choose not to get the vaccine because healthcare workers feel that they are not being given the choice to opt out of not having to get either vaccinated and must wear a mask. Nevertheless, if influenza is not mandatory many healthcare workers tend to get the vaccination, as all healthcare workers have one goal and that the protection of our other fellow workers as well as
Mandatory Influenza Vaccinations for healthcare providers can be a controversial topic for some and may propose a challenge to some provider’s ethical values and beliefs. The topic of mandatory vaccination for influenza (“flu”) has been widely studied and debated among professionals over several years. It is apparent that there is some movement towards a mandatory vaccination for influenza by healthcare institutions as the benefit out weighs the risk on several fronts. “Influenza infection is associated with 36,000 excess deaths and > 200,000 hospitalizations in the United States annually. It is the leading cause of vaccine-preventable death in the United States every year” (Babcock, Geminhart, Jones, Dunagan, & Woeltje, 2010, p. 459).
It is very important for healthcare providers to be educated on the safety concern of vaccination. Proper protocols must be taken through evidence-based research on the issue of vaccination and the risk factors that can allow stakeholders better implementation on laws that can be beneficial to parents. The stakeholder’s in the healthcare field such as patients, healthcare providers, insurance companies, organizations, and those who enforce policy main concern are the safety of these patients. The decisions most of these stakeholders make can either benefit patients or affect them. For example, the consequences parents have if their child is not vaccinated. The mandatory law of children who are not vaccinated cannot enrolled in school is unfair to parents. I believe parents should not be penalized or forced for their child to be vaccinated. If all stakeholders can reunite through evidence based research on the topic of vaccinations risk concern it can cause a positive impact on parents and alternative ways children can prevent the side
Uncertainty of the demand - since we are uncertain of its occurrence, stockpiling the vaccines and drugs is very important
Last year, only twenty-six percent of eighteen to forty-nine year olds got the flu shot (Singh, 2014). With an average of 200,000 people hospitalized annually due to flu-related symptoms, these low vaccination rates are generating serious health risks among young adults all over the country (National Consumers League, 2013). This winter, at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, N.C., the average age of people hospitalized with influenza was 28.5 years old, and of those that ended up in the Intensive Care Unit of the hospital, only two of the twenty-two had received the flu vaccination (Singh, 2014). The primary reason that young adults do not get the influenza vaccination is that they believe that they are invincible and influenza is not a serious illness (Singh, 2014). One in five Americans who do not receive the influenza vaccination claims that influenza is not a serious illness (National Consumers League, 2013). Of the Americans who do not get vaccinated, forty-five percent cited their good health as a rationale for bypassing vaccination (National Consumers League, 2013). This may be partly due to the targeted measures by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to increase vaccination rates among children and the elderly. In comparison to the twenty-six percent of young adults that were vaccinated, 56.6% of children (ages six months to seventeen years old) and 66.2% of seniors (ages 65 and older) were vaccinated. When targeted measures are used, they work. The problem
Influenza, as stated above, is a preventable spreadable infection. The goal of this education session was to expand the knowledge of long-term residents on vaccination against influenza. In a preliminary meeting, it was found that over 15 residents had refused this years’ influenza vaccination. The objectives of the teaching plan included: identifying signs and symptoms of influenza, discuss both positive and negative feels during the vaccine, identify exclusion criteria to receiving the vaccine, and demonstrate arm exercises to prevent soreness after vaccination (“Government”, 2014).
Your Rights, and Life or Your Job?Tyonia Wilson Brown Mackie College AbstractWhen it comes to your health, over your job you should not be forced to get anything that you don’t want to. In the healthcare employees are forced to get the flu shot, by having their job hanging on a thin line. Not taking into the considerations of what the flu shot could do to you, they are forcing it. It is becoming a problem because we as people, and employees are not having a choice on if we want it or not. It should be put to an end. We have rights. Your Rights, and Life or Your Job?Why should we be forced to get something we don’t want to get? Healthcare jobs are forcing employees to get vaccines. Refusing to get a vaccine for a job, or lose my job is what