
Informative Speech Essay

Decent Essays

Where did I go wrong? One of my problems during the upcoming informative speech was preparing for the speech in the first place. My preparation literally consisted of just getting the sources, reading as little information possible, and writing down some lame facts so that my speech sounded important to the audience. Now, I know that humor has always brought people together so in order to make this awful speech work there needed to be a catch. For example, the first line of my presentation was ‘‘I’m going to be honest, we are all going to die’’ although this joke seemed dry I knew it would work and allow me to push forward the information regarding my topic. However, what I failed to prepare for is the time frame all of us got to get our points across. In all honesty, there was no preparation for my informative speech for the reason that I only typed the outline expecting to go off of it while completely forgetting about exceeding the time limit. For example, I went over the time limit in addition to not closing with my conclusion. Again, there was no mental preparation or even simple practice designed for this speech so I essentially winged this presentation with little to no effort. So, what did I learn? Maybe next time my focus needs to be on practicing, delivery of subject (appealing to the audience), motivating myself to speak in front of others, and learn how to manipulate the agreed time. A massive game changer has to be whether the audience is even bothered or

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