
Informative Speech On Cancer

Decent Essays

Did you know that 7.6 million people die from cancer each year? Today, you will start to learn about all of these life threatening cancers that lead to death.
Cancer was first found by Hippocrates, who was known as the “Father of Medicine” thousands of years ago. Cancer is what happens when cells in parts of the body start to grow out of control. The earliest sign of cancer was 3000 B.C.E, in mummies from Egypt. (Lisa Fayed, Web)
As you can see, Cancer has been around for thousands of years, and we still fight to resolve cancer today. To help fight cancer, you should donate money to to help fund the research of a resolution to this awful disease.
Prevent cancer foundation is trying to raise money for cancer prevention and …show more content…

So why don’t you try to help the research of finding a way to prevent and cure cancer. Many people are dying each day, and one donation, may save a person’s life. A chance, that donator could be you.
Prevent Cancer foundation also sets up events people can participate in like a 5k run, a lunch party, or Video Game Speed runs streamed live so viewers can donate.
You may be thinking that a 5k run or people playing video games isn’t a good way to help a charity. However, AGDQ (Awesome Games Done Quick) is an event where very skilled video game players complete a game as fast as possible. People can view the live stream and donate and leave a message. AGDQ raised 1,216,079 $ for Prevent Cancer foundation in one event.(Awesome Games Done Quick, Web)
So if you have the capacity to run a 5k, or you devote your time to trying to play a game in the least amount of time possible, you should try these events!
Using your skills, you can help make a difference, and help form a cancer- free world.
If you still aren’t ready to donate, you can learn about all of the cancers that exist and you can learn about the causes. You can also learn about the many symptoms,

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