
Informative Speech On Symptoms, Diagnosis, And Treatment Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Decent Essays

Planning for the Informative Speech with Analysis
Speech Topic:

To inform my audience of the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of Generalized anxiety disorder

Rhetorical Purpose:
To inform my audience about . . .
Their own mental profile and how to recognize the symptoms so they can help themselves and others around them

Audience Analysis:
(Refer to chapter on Audience Analysis)

(RU Core Goal: a)
Summarize Audience demographics, prior exposure/knowledge, common ground/interest, disposition/attitude, and situational characteristics.

Recognizing that the majority of my audience is interested in their health and wellness as noted in the Audience Analysis poll, I believe that I can make this speech relevant and interesting by …show more content…

I will make it more general and not get into the depths of the causes and specifics of anxiety, but rather reduce the information and make sure that the message is understood by reiterating in my thesis and ending statement.

Types of Supporting Materials:
(refer to chapter on Supporting Materials)
What types of supporting materials do you plan to include? (e.g., examples, definitions, testimony, statistics, narratives, analogies)

I will include definitions and statistics of anxiety in my paper.

Types of Research Sources:

(RU Core Goal: v)

What types of research sources (e.g., primary, secondary, and/or tertiary) do you plan to use to support the thesis statement and main points? Please explain. Note: 5 credible and relevant sources are required including at least 1 source from a Rutgers University Libraries periodical database.

I plan on using primary and secondary research sources to make my main points along with Rutgers Library sources.

Research Tools Utilized: (refer to Comm380 research guide - publicspeaking) (RU Core Goal: y)
What tools did you use during your research to find your sources? (e.g. Google Scholar, Library Databases, Book or Journal resources, etc.)

I used Google scholar mainly but also used Rutgers Library database and spoke to a librarian regarding my topic.

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