
Informative Speech: Ralph Teetor

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I. Attention Statement – (Picture of the highway.) How many of you drive? Who took the highway today to get to school?

II. Topic – Today I want to talk about Ralph Teetor and his invention of Cruise Control.

III. Importance – Cruise Control has made driving a bit easier. Drivers are more relaxed and are able to concentrate on the road without worrying about going over the speed limit.

IV. Preview of Main Points – First, I’ll talk a bit about Ralph Teetor”s background. Next, I’ll talk about the creation of Cruise Control. Finally, we’ll look at plans for Cruise Control in the future.

I. First, let’s talk about the inventor Ralph Teetor.

A. He was blinded at the age of five in a shop accident. But this did not stop Ralph in life. In 1902, at the age of twelve, Ralph built an automobile with his cousin. They rebuilt the engine and parts by hand. Ralph attended college and astonished his …show more content…

III. Finally, let’s discuss the future of Cruise Control.

A. According to an article by Edmund L. Andrews in the New York Times, a researcher at General Motors Corporation patented a futuristic cruise control system called Adaptive Cruise Control. This working progress system will adjust the car’s speed to keep a safe distance from vehicles in front. It uses a video camera to detect and compare moving vehicles in front of the car. Example: If a leading car slows down, the system detects this change and sends a signal to the engine to slow down or break.

B. Adaptive Cruise Control will also be able to warn the driver that a collision is about to occur and let the driver know when to break or turn the steering wheel to avoid a collision.

C. From the website, it states that the Adaptive Cruise Control will also have the ability to check for open passing lanes to make a safe pass without cancelling the cruise

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