
Inherit The Wind by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee

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Every man has opinions, some which are stronger than others, but do these thoughts define the man? In Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee’s play Inherit The Wind opinions do not define the people who advocate them. Each character in this play has viewpoints that influence their actions. The bravery, honesty and determination required to express an opinion defines a person more than the opinion, allowing one to respect a man who advocates unpopular opinions. When a man stands up for his beliefs despite their unpopularity, he exemplifies great bravery. While Bertram Cates may not have been the most brave man when the trial began, he later addresses the courtroom by saying, “I feel I am… I have been convicted of violating an unjust law. I will continue in the future, as I have in the past, to oppose this law in any way I can,” (115). Bert bravely states his point of view in his speech and makes it clear that he stands behind Darwinism. While picking the jury members, Drummond “[objects] to all [the] ‘Colonel’ talk,” (42) because he believes it interferes with a fair trial. In addition to annoying Brady, Drummond objects to the title because he is brave enough to stand up to what he thinks is unjust. On a more general note, Drummond had the bravery to go to Hillsboro as the defense attorney for Bert even though winning the case was nearly impossible and there was no pay. Although their opinions were not popular in the play, Bert and Drummond show great bravery by standing up for

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