
Inside Out Case Study Answers

Satisfactory Essays

Alysia Hohbein
E.C. Inside Out
1. How do Riley's emotions balance out her personality and thought processes?

a. The delicate balance of dealing with these different emotions helps people best react to the situations life throws out. For example, if joy is control while playing and having fun and then that person stubs their toe, sadness would then take over.

2. How do our emotions affect our personality long term - for example - if Joy is our overriding emotion - what will our personality suggest? What about disgust? fear?

a. If joy is too overpowering then people would not know how to deal with pain and hardships when they come around. If Disgust was too overpowering then one would not be able to see also the sweet blessings or nutrients …show more content…

Riley was in such a depressed and angry state that she was willing to do anything she could do to feel happy again. This is applicable to real life because we all are capable of making bad choices when in such a lost, hopeless and/or depressed state. We need to realize that even in those moments we need to still have morals and not let our emotions effect our actions.

6. When one island went down - how did it become a tidal wave of loss? (losing goofball island, then friendship, then hockey, then honesty, then family)

a. When one thing goes wrong in life we tend to dig ourselves into a deeper hole, so to speak. Meaning we get angry and frustrated and let that seep into all other areas of our life until we have nothing good left to lean on.

7. Why is "feeling" our emotions (all of them) so important?

a. We need to feel all of our emotions because they will always be there whether we feel them or not. Since they are always there you need to confront your emotions so you can once again balance out your emotional state of mind.

8. How does this movie explain "emotional balance"?

a. This movie shows emotional balance by showing in the end how they all work together to provide the best life for Riley. When Joy tried to control Sadness and not let her influence her it actually ended up hurting her because she could not feel all of our emotions fully.

9. How can memories be happy and sad at the same

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