
Instagram: Is It Just a Trend or in It for the Long Haul?

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Instagram: is it just a trend or in it for the long haul?
Social trends are extremely addictive among today’s society. Not only does most of the population follow them, but everybody knows about them. Joining social media websites is one of the biggest social trends of today’s society. Not only does most of the Earth’s population join them, but they are active on these websites. One of the most popular of the social media websites is the website Instagram, the photo and video sharing site that almost everybody is on. Instagram’s statistics and facts speak for themselves; there is no need to elaborate them. Learning more about this website will help one realize the multiple uses and versatility it contains.
The website began in October 2010 by founders, Stanford graduates Mike Krieger and Kevin Sitcom. In 2012 Facebook bought the company for one billion dollars. When Facebook purchased the company, Instagram only had a total of thirteen employees working. There are over two hundred million users. It all started as a picture posting application and turned into the most popular strictly picture and video posting site today. Instagram is responsible for making the word “selfie” popular and why it was added to the dictionary last year. In one day alone, there are 40,000,000 photos uploaded (Moreno). There have been over sixteen billion photos uploaded since the website started (See Figure 2). However, Facebook still holds the record of most photos posted with one

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