
Integrative Approaches To Psychology And Christianity By Entwistle

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The book, Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity written by Entwistle, N. David, analyzes the integration between Christianity and psychology. Entwitle explains why Christianity and psychology cannot integrate in the same area because the former is based on faith while the latter is based on the truth. However, he emphasizes that the interaction between psychology and Christianity cannot be avoided because the two concepts help people to understand the source of human behavior, as well as the healing process of a broken heart (Entwistle, 2010, p. 51). The theme of the whole text is inclined upon the idea that psychology and Christianity can be integrated and used together irrespective of the fact that they are based on completely different ideas. …show more content…

According to the book, the term integrated should be viewed as a verb and as a noun because the role played by integration becomes both imperative and feasible (Entwistle, 2010, p. 26). Entwistle continues to explain that the main reason why faith and science have been in endless conflict for quite a long time is due to the fact that, science directly opposes theological ideas and concepts. Even though Entwistle (2010) supports this notion to some extent, he claims that the way a person understands the relationship between faith and science depends on individual assumptions. If a psychologist could understand that there is a direct conflict between faith and science, then they could appreciate why it is difficult to use science to prove the intelligence of Christ (Entwistle,

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