
Interest Profiler

Satisfactory Essays

When I began both instruments I was a little concerned about not thinking too hard into the questions as well as how long it was going to take to complete the tests. I was astonished to learn that it was pretty simple and I knew more about myself than originally thought. The work profiler took a little more time because I had to sort through each idea and place them in an importance level, but it was still pretty simple. As I completed the interest profiler I was surprised to learn that I scored higher in the social area instead of the investigative one. I have often considered myself to be more reserved and an avid thinker. I enjoy people but above all else I really value my time to think critically about myself and my job. I always think things through and I am rarely a quick witted thinker because of this. …show more content…

Upon reading the description of the social area on the profiler information sheet, I noticed that the characteristics sounded more like me than the investigative one. I even ran through the descriptions with my husband to confirm this and he also felt that the profiler results were right and the social area seemed to be my primary characteristics. My feelings towards the work importance locator was a little different. I wasn’t surprised (like the interest profiler) to learn that relationships and achievement was my top two choices in a work environment. From my nineteen years’ experience in the work place I have learned that I value relationships more in my work environment. Being under stressful military driven events I have built a need to be surrounded by those who can make life manageable as well as developing my own personal need to help others make theirs also manageable. I think that my experience in the military along with my personality traits have assisted in creating these values as my top tier occupational environmental

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