
International Economic Policy: Book Review Essay

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International Economic Policy: Book Review

The book reviewed in this essay, International Economic Policy in the
1990s, was to focus on some of the most recent concerns about international trade. Its author, William R. cline, seems to have some good insights about the topic as it seems that he researched, taught and lectured about this field of study. The author tried to be as objective as possible and tried not to be biased by referring to the different opinions about most of the issues he handled. However, as it is really impossible to be totally unbiased, some biases were to exist due to their necessity to form an argument. Furthermore, other biases can be detected through his writings by remarking the aspects of international trade …show more content…

Another notice was that the future of Europe is depending heavily on what will happen to the
"volcano" next to it, which is the former Soviet Union. This as the author thought, should make Europe assist the former Soviet Union in order to assure that Europe will not be affected by problems such as economic immigrants (204).
At his conclusion, he was to mention that Europe could play a similar role to the world trade in the future as the one played by the US after the Second World

He was to look at the Uruguay Round and have some interesting remarks about it. There are two of them that seemed to me as interesting. The first one states that major achievements in the Uruguay Round need not to be by further liberalization of trade, but by the very fact that such a round reassured the already given promise not to return to protectionism (231). As for instance
Japan was fearing "new protective barriers that might be otherwise wise set up against Japan" if the round was not held (69). The second one was to show how the areas in which the round was to seek further liberalization were divide into two; categories: the first include services, intellectual property, and investment, while the second included agriculture and textiles. He remarked that developed countries agreed to liberalize the second category as to encourage developing countries to liberalize the first category (68).

Another topic, that he was to view, was the effect on the

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