
Internship Reflection

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During the Fall Semester of my senior year at Ohio University, I had the privilege to be an intern at the Athens County Common Pleas court with Judge McCarthy’s office. My main duties and responsibilities during this internship were to organize, pull and put away court files. I also assisted in court recording while the Judge was on the record in the courtroom. This internship also allowed me the opportunity to spend time and see other aspects of the criminal justice such as Municipal court, Juvenile court, Domestic court and the Adult Parole Authority. Throughout my time in this internship, I saw and experienced things that sparked my sociological thinking. This specific court deals with a lot of drug related problems and as a result, they have had to develop methods for dealing with it. One such thing is the A.C.E (Athens country empowerment) diversion which is one of the rehabilitative methods the court has at its disposal. The other option the court uses is more punitive where they send people to jail or prison. The question that was always in the back of mind during this internship was if diversion programs or jail was a more effective tool at helping these individuals kick their abuse habits and reduce recidivism back into the court. Another aspect that I wanted to look at was if politics and funding play into the courts decisions to hand down a certain punishment. The last thing that I wanted to look at was if there were aspects of social learning within family’s that

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