
Interpersonal And Group Dynamics Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Saturday April 11, 2015 Alexander Jaskulski T.E.S.T.I.N.G Topic is based on animal testing and animal rights Group Members Benajmin Cleary Courtney Hobbs Mark Holdbrook Amanda Pezzolesi Cole Booker Member Roles When we first started this assignment, the member roles were not very clear. But after a few weeks, everyone started to fill in most of the 12 roles provided in the "Interpersonal and Group Dynamics" textbook. Bjorkquist, B. (2011). Chapter 10 Evaluation: Improving Your Group's Performance. In Interpersonal and Group Dynamics (Second Edition ed., pp. 149-151). Toronto. Benjamin's role of the group was in my opinion, the leader role. He most of the time came up with the meetings, how to get involved with our project ect. …show more content…

"Did we speak clearly to one another? Did we listen attentively to one another? Did we give one another constructive feedback?" Bjorkquist, B. (2011). Chapter 10 Evaluation: Improving Your Group's Performance. In Interpersonal and Group Dynamics (Second Edition ed., pp. 149-151). Toronto. The simple answer to all these questions would be a YES. When we had group meetings, facebook chats, texting chats, we all spoke to eachother in a very clear professional way. Every person spoke in a way that everyone could understand and if someone did not than we explained in a better way. We all listened when one person was talking and did not say anything until they were done. The best part was giving feedback to one another on ideas, written work ect. For example, when we were deciding on a topic, Amanda suggested that we sponsor a panda every month. Everyone liked it, but we gave feedback on how we could involve that idea to the community. Amanda took the feedback and we all came up with the idea to do animal testing. Without her giving us the idea about sponoring a panda, then we would have never been able come up with this idea. No group member was disrespectful when a idea was given, no matter how upsurred it was. Therefore, our dialogue was on the money with one

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