
Interpersonal Communication Speech

Decent Essays

Good Morning Karl When I signed up for this project I was told that my role will be to ensure an auditable trail of all actions taken to prevent or minimize family violence. At that specific stage I was told that we will work on the HAIP system and none of my expertise in developing a database is required, however I was also told that it is a dynamic project and changes are inevitable. I have met Debbz and we got along like a ball on fire. From the beginning there was tension between the Hauraki site and Debbz. For reasons unknown to me Rod intervened and had discussions with them. He came to our offices and had a discussion with Debbz, Kate and me on how we see the project can be implemented. He also suggested that Debbz allow me to communicate with them as she is too emotionally involved. At that stage I suggested that she, Kate and I just go and attend the meeting together just to let them get used to our …show more content…

Planning a. Last Wednesday a week ago, Debbz told us that she will be attending a death review meeting. Kate asked who will facilitate the SAM and Debbz stated that she will discuss it with Sarina. However, ten minutes before Debbz and Colin left to attend the death review meeting I was casually told to facilitate the meeting. b. When Debbz remember something, she expects is that I should immediately pay attention and do as I am told. So if she wants the daily report, no matter what I am busy with, and I don’t produce it in five minute, she sends the list out without verifying it with my data. That leads to the fact that some cases are not reviewed in time or at all. A list of these cases were sent to her on Friday. c. There is no guidance to assist a facilitator with the services provided in a specific area. Not being allowed to talk to providers I am not able to establish what services they render and what areas they cover. However, this information is required for anyone who will be acting as a

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