Renita J. is a 56-year-old Caucasian heterosexual mature adult female who has 13 years of formal education and lives alone. Renita is self-referred due to experiencing an interpersonal conflict at her place of employment. She reports having worked as an independent contractor in the oilfield for approximately 20 years and has just recently transitioned into an office position. She reports that while she “gets along” with most of her co-workers there is one in particular that has posed a problem on at least one occasion. Renita states a desire to resolve the conflict but is unsure about how to go about doing it. She further reports having feelings of “slight anxiety” and that her sleep pattern has been mildly disrupted because of this.
The subject (Marla) is a 42 year old female who is seeking help from the mental health clinic for a variety of symptoms which the subject believes is causing her distress. These symptoms include: trouble sleeping, feeling jumpy all of the time, and an in ability to concentrate. The subject, whose complaint is a decreased performance at work, feels these symptoms to be the cause. It is apparent that a concern for the subject’s employment has prompted her to seek help for these issues.
Alice notes of experiencing these symptoms since childhood. Alice states that people scare her, especially when she is around strong men. Alice reports feeling cold, sweaty, and troubling nervousness when around man who are attracted to her. She states she has an inferiority complex and knows how to put yourself down. Alice main concern is feeling equal with others and not always apologetic for her existence. She does not want to suffer from anxiety and guilt, and start thinking of herself as a good person. The client all as noted she 's loner,
Irritability and sleep disturbances f. Clinical distresses in her day-to-day work activities, social problems in relationships and other essential areas of functioning. 4. We recommend medical (pharmaceutical) and individual psychotherapy treatments including cognitive techniques such as deep breathing exercises, and simple relaxation skills. She will learn skills to replace adaptive and calming thoughts for her intrusive and over worrying thoughts and to avoid her unrealistic tendencies to think the worse. There would be self-care options combined with antidepressant treatments prescribed by her medical doctor.
Philosopher Emerson once said “every coin has two sides; so do conflicts”. In the pages of human history, conflicts are unavoidable and while major conflicts such as war have been evil forces in the world it can also produce very positive results. That is not to say conflict is entirely positive. When conflict arises there are those individuals that show unexpected qualities; those assets that are sudden and unforseen. These assets can be seen in the movie The Sapphires through the character Dave and on a global scale through Mandela. Unfortunately there are also those individuals who in the midst of conflict express unexpected negative traits. This can be seen through the
Allison, a 33-year-old white woman, knew that it was finally time for her to seek psychological services. She had always been an anxious person and, for years, had managed to keep it under control. But, this time she felt as though she was fighting a losing battle and worried that it was going to result in her being fired from her job. Allison worked as a flight attendant for a major airline and loved interacting with the passengers. She was particularly proud of her extensive knowledge of aircraft
The Sarah self-referred for assessment at am outpatient clinic. She subsequently requested a referral to a psychologist in Chicago, IL. Sarah is a 24-year-old adult Caucasian female who identified as a lesbian. She reported a history of depressive symptoms that have worsened in the last few months. She is seeking treatment for these intensified depressive symptoms. She described having “depression” many years ago, but became evasive when asked to clarify. In addition, she noted a concern with experiencing anger and hostility towards others; she stated that these emotions are “uncomfortable” for her. She clarified that in the past three months she has perceived herself as “grumpier than usual.” She reported having experienced anhedonia, fatigue, and insomnia.
Julie Coldwell, aged 25, has been referred by her General Practitioner to myself at Bradfield Hospital Mental Health Unit, where I work as a Clinical Psychologist, due to concerns about her physical and mental health from her job. Ms Coldwell is a trainee manager in a supermarket. Recently she has felt that work is taking a toll on her, and hasn’t been feeling herself. She has reported symptoms of extreme fatigue whilst working, and has made mention of difficulty sleeping. She worries about being fired due to her poor performance at work, which she says has become progressively worse over time. Ms Coldwell is concerned that her work colleagues are judging her due to her performance and discussing it when she is not present. Consequently, she is finding it very difficult to go to work.
A couple live neighboring my house. The man wants to be welcomed home after a long day at work but the wife is too busy with the kids and the cat that she hardly notices when the man comes home. In this way, conflict arises. The man avoids the existence of conflict. Unfortunately, in this case, the conflict lingers in the background during interaction between the couples and creates the potential for further tension and even more conflict. After a time, the man just cannot endure his wife’s ignoring him. When it comes to managing the conflict, the man comes to a psychological consultant, who possesses expert power, and talks about the matter. The consultant tells the man to accommodate this kind of ignoring and have a conversation with his wife. Then the man opens his heart to his wife and tells her what he really needs. Through the deep talk, the man begins to understand his wife’s business and helps her do some housework and the wife gives her husband a hug every time he goes home. Their love becomes more
There are numerous entities and situations that can be avoided throughout the durations of one’s life, but there are a few things that cannot be escaped being a United States citizen; and that’s taxes and conflict. It’s hard to go a single day without running into some form of conflict, whether it be constructive, or destructive conflict. For me, conflict has always seemed to either go really good, or take a turn for the worst. Over the past few months I’ve attempted to work on some of my strategies to better deal with my day-to-day interpersonal conflicts, so I get in the rhythm of trying to successfully complete an altercation. With that being said, I would like to discuss a conflict that was both relational and organizational. This conflict
If the manager addresses conflict directly & head on, any disconnection or dispute that has occurred can be turned into an opportunity for the team to understand each other a little better, as well as an increase personal & professional connection & trust.
As nurses, it is imperative that we have skills to deal with conflict we encounter throughout the day. Some conflicts are easily handled with simple solutions; other disagreements can persist for weeks or even months and never be handled in a proper way to resolve the situation. The later kind of situation can create resentment, anger, and animosity between employees or colleagues. In this paper I will describe a conflict situation with resolution strategies used by the confronter, discuss other ways to resolve the conflict, and discuss the conflict theory most beneficial to use with a diverse group of people.
Power and conflicts in a relationship, what are they and how do the affect one’s relationship? “Power and conflict both shape communication patterns and decision making, it’s the power to make decisions often through the influences and dynamics in one marriage or relationships” (Jones, ASID, IIDA, IDEC, and Phyllis Sloan Allen, 2009, pg. 282). It’s a way to oblige to others request within their relationship in order to feel superior over the other. Power is a very powerful tool in a relationship which includes love, it’s not just having the power over finances security; it’s being totally committed and eager to fulfill an everlasting relationship with the one you admire. However, it’s a two-way street that both partners need to be actively
What is the central interpersonal problem for Jen in regards to the focus of treatment? (Review page 1136 of your article.)
This is a research about conflict which should be considered and resolute during a project. Although, six experts are from different background, there are many sufficient methods to deal with different kind of issues during the working. The great mode has used in the research is Thomas-Kilmann’s conflict mode instrument. (Thomas, K. W., & Kilmann, R. H. ,1974). There are five effective approaches are discussed. Each approaches have its positive and negative effects. Also, there are many problems that each expert should consider about themselves which can devote their effort to help finish the project successfully. Achieving mastery through a comprehensive study of all of these methods can finally bring a huge success to the whole project.
The most recent conflict I had encountered was one that is related to my work. I currently work at an IT company in Israel as an Office Manager. I have been working here for about two and a half years and am pretty content with the job as I know all the loops and holes of the daily tasks that need to be done. Recently, I have received an offer from another IT company, that would like to meet with me and offer me a job at their company. I went to an interview with this other company and a day later they told me that they were interested and would like to continue the hiring process with me.