Conflict is inevitable, be it in the workplace or outside the work place. The reason is that people are from diverse backgrounds and thus have different ideas and opinions. In the workplace, employees are expected to work together towards achieving the company’s goals. The management needs to find ways to resolve conflicts that may arise so as to ensure that there is increased production. Conflict management is important and it entails being able to identify and handle conflicts in a manner that is sensible, fair and efficient. The five conflict styles according to Kenneth W. Thomas and Ralph H. Kilmann are accommodation, avoidance, collaboration, competition and compromise, (Schneider & Brown 2013).
Difference between
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Individuals compete for status and position in firms, and at times they get for their ability to achieve business goals by being the better than other internal employees or external business competitors. For instance, sales and marketing jobs in most cases are a healthy form of competition within the organization. The employees are mostly paid on a sales commission basis and this makes the individuals to strive to sell more of the company’s products. In the process, the firm will increase their sales, market share and overall profitability. Successful leaders exhibit the capability to strategically use their competitive energy and skills for personal and professional gain. Thus, competition encourages hard work and ensures that social laws are observed.
Unhealthy competition
As far as competition is healthy, at times it may lead to conflicts hence leading to negative results different from what competition is intended for. This mostly happens when competition is excessively or inappropriately used. Every individual is struggling to prove to be the best or most valuable to the company and as such, this can lead to disputes among team members. Unhealthy competition arises where there is misuse of power or where individuals compete with the aim of “defeating the enemy”. “Myers-Briggs research suggests that people who like to be competitive in addressing differences approach problems objectively, using facts and data, and are not inclined to be very
In team settings, individual team members generally handle conflict in five key ways as identified in an adaptation of the Thomas-Kilman Conflict Inventory (1976): Avoidance, Accommodation, Competition, Compromise, and Collaboration. All five conflict styles can be both beneficial and/or costly to individual and team success. It can also be argued that all five conflict styles may be useful to resolve conflicts under certain circumstances. Please review the five conflict styles listed below:
Competition being one of the major issues that often must be addressed in the business world, it is important for a firm to learn on ways to reduce the impact of the competition. Competition is definitely an important factor in helping a business
Whether you work for a manufacturing facility or the health care system, conflict is unavoidable. As a manager, you must learn to deal with conflict in the workplace. In this paper I will describe the different styles of conflict management. I will also discuss my preferred conflict management style with examples of its use. Lastly, I will describe a situation at work and how a conflict management strategy could have improved that situation.
Conflict is inescapable, having the ability to recognize, understand, and resolve conflicts are important in both personal and professional lives. Myatt (2012) states that conflict in the workplace is unavoidable; if left unresolved, workplace conflict may result in loss of productivity and the creation of barriers that can inhibit creativity, cooperation, and collaboration. It is vital to embrace conflict and address problems through effective conflict-resolution tactics because if not handled appropriately, conflict will escalate. “If not handled properly, conflict may significantly affect employee morale, increase turnover, and even result in litigation, ultimately affecting the overall well-being of
It is no lie that rivalry creates results. By offering incentives and driving a minor wedge of possible superiority with bragging rights among the employees, motivation also increases. This is, nonetheless, only progressive in small, controlled doses. Among employees, rivalry can instill a feeling of utter individuality. Instead of working together to complete a task, everyone feels the need to do it themselves. This can decrease productivity and result in jobs not getting finished. In a study done by Todd Arnold, it was found that “in highly competitive retail environments, the relationship between ambiguity and job efficiency was weaker” (Santora 82). If the push for competition is too extensive, the core values of the company can also falter. It soon becomes a drive for maximizing profit and less about ensuring the staff that their work is appreciated. This is extensively clear with the issue of credit cards at JCPenney. Managers begin to lose sight of their workers as people, and only view them as the number of applications they get. It becomes as if there is a number floating above one’s head and that is how each personnel is seen. This also inadvertently decides who the favorite staff members are. Then, even if the goal is met with a worker, their 3 applications are compared to another’s 6. It is a never-ending game that
Although many of us go great lengths to avoid it, sometimes it is just inevitable. People in the workplace setting will always have different ideas, values, and attitudes than others around them. A conflict can arouse in any given setting, and the affect it can have on those involved can either be negative or positive. Depending on the approach and strategies utilized during and after a conflict will determine the result of the conflict. Conflict helps people recognize legitimate differences within an organization or profession and serves as a powerful motivator to improve performance and effectiveness, as well as satisfaction (CCN, 2017). This paper will identify and explore a particular recurring conflict in the
Many people feel that American society is too competitive. Does competition lead to better products and results, or does it lead to a focus on winning at all costs? Is fierce competition a good idea or bad idea? It’s a good idea to have the American society competitive. Being competitive brings out the best in people, doesn’t let people fill entitled, makes products higher quality goods and services.
Conflict results from real or perceived opposition to one’s values, actions, desires or general interests. Conflicts may occur internally or externally between individuals or groups; conflict within a team environment can cause frustration, and occasionally anger. However, conflict resolution can also often generate positive results for the team. Conflict management skills remain in demand; conflict may be managed successfully by reaching an agreement that satisfies the needs of both the individual(s) and the team as a whole
I have not so much had a significant event in my professional career that created conflict for me; however, I recently dealt with a conflicted situation with my supervisor at work. This has to do with office space which is very limited in my department. The process of allocating offices for new employees was based on longevity. Most people in my department preferred the offices by the window because it had a luxurious view overlooking a lake. This particular window office had been exclusively assigned to physician's in the past, but when we did our initial office assigning when I was newly hired, I could not get any of the window offices, but when it
What is conflict? Even something as basic as a universal definition for the word conflict seems to vary from source to source. A literature review focusing on conflict defined it as “the interaction of interdependent people who perceive incompatibility and the possibility of interference from others as a result of this incompatibility” (Brinkert 2010). Often times the disagreement results not from a concrete difference, but rather a difference in perception (Ellis & Abbott 2012). One of the most important factors effecting conflict management is the resolution style used. The most often used tool for classifying how conflict is managed is the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (Iglesias & Vallejo 2012).
Conflict is a "state of disharmony brought about by differences of impulses, desires, or tendencies" (Rayeski & Bryant, 1994). Although many people and organizations view conflict as an activity that is usually negative and should be avoided, conflict is a natural result of people working
Conflict between team members will happen in the workplace because the fact that there will have an environment where decisions are made and personality clashes will occur. This doesn’t mean you have an unproductive workforce, it means you will have to be able to catch the problem early and know what to do with each individual case. People are going to disagree because they have different view points, different backgrounds and a different thought process, maybe even a different agenda for that project. People disagree for a number of reasons (De Bono, 1985). College graduates will be put into positions of uncertainty due to the lack of work history. This will in turn cause conflict, not knowing
For many of us, every day is a struggle to avoid conflict. Yet avoidance is practically impossible since the core characteristics, ideas and beliefs of each individual often conflict with our own. Differences of opinion, competitive zeal, and misinterpretations, among other factors, can all generate ill feelings between co-workers within an organization. While we can’t avoid conflict, we can learn how to sidestep negative confrontations by becoming familiar with the types of conflicts that most commonly arise in the work place and by learning how to resolve them.
Integrating; this style of conflict management is concerned with identification of joint problem, confrontation of attitude and proposing the possible solution for the conflict. This style of conflict management is more effective for solving complex issues. Additionally, this style of conflict management tends to be more effective in long run. However, this style of conflict management may not be effective in managing the conflicts that surface out of differing values of employees.
Conflict is an occurrence in virtually any organization, regardless of how large or small it may be. It is exceedingly difficult to get people to agree with one another about everything all the time, especially when they are competing for the same resources (Tsang, 2012, p. 84). This difficult is naturally exacerbated when there are stratifications between people, which frequently occurs in organizations. Organizations may have different categories of employers such as those in sale, marketing, finance, human resources, etc. The three main views of conflict which also play a significant part in the resolving of conflict are the traditional, the human relations, and interactionist views. There are points of similarities and differences between all of these views.