
Introduction.The Football Is Thrown; It Is In The Air,

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Introduction The football is thrown; it is in the air, going into the end zone. Wait, where is the other player? Football is a teamwork sport. One person does not win championships, the team working together as one does. Healthcare is no different. Today’s world of healthcare relies on nurses, doctors, pharmacist, and the whole healthcare system to work together to form a common goal; the goal of making our society healthier. Through collaboration, we can succeed in that goal.
Collective Competence
Collective competence is essential in the ever-changing world of healthcare. Per Lingard (2014), collective competence is a team approach where experts in their own field are aware of experts in different fields and come together to work on a …show more content…

Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel, 2011 state that interprofessional communicate allows other disciplines to see others readiness to work together. By using the same language in communication every discipline feels a part of the medical team. Team and teamwork allows patient care to improve and medical errors to decrease. When including everyone from nurses to pharmacist, patients overall healthcare improves. My personal collaboration score is a seven. I like to include everyone in the team with the patients care to make sure nothing is missed. Two ways I can improve are by including pharmacy. As an Emergency Room nurse, I can work with the physician, respiratory, and other nurses with ease. I tend to forget that pharmacy is also a part of our team and a great resource. Another improvement goal of mine is to include the patient more in the collaboration process. Healthcare providers tend to forget the patient in the plan. The patient is the number one person that can make sure the improvement in their healthcare happens. Collaboration as a whole is an essential characteristic in healthcare.
Barriers to Collaboration
There are many ways breakdowns of collaboration can occur between healthcare providers and/or patients. The number one reason is communication. Per the Joint Commission, ineffective communication is the common cause of sentinel events. A barrier in my personal practice is communication. Recently, medications were

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