Summary of Progress from Prior Month 's Report
On April 1, 2016, 81 assets in the MABS trust were added to the oversight population. The population of active assets included in the oversight project as of April 30, 2016 was 88. As of October 31, 2016, there were 59 active assets included in the project.
• Days in REO for active assets increased to 231 days in October 2016 compared to 214 days in September 2016
• When removing the 1 Rhode Island asset (“original” population addressed in more detail below), Days in REO for active assets declined to 198 days
• As of October 31, 2016, 24 assets in the REO oversight population had more than 200 Days in REO. 5 of these are from the “original” population and 19 are from the MABS population
Compared to the “original” population, the MABS assets are more geographically disbursed and were not as heavily concentrated in states with an extended redemption timeline (e.g., Nevada, Michigan and Minnesota) or located in states with extended timelines for confirmation/ratification or states with extended timelines for the foreclosure deed recordation (e.g., New York, Illinois, Maryland). However, since MABS moved to the project, RMS has noticed an increase in concentrations in these higher timeline states. In addition, MABS has a high percentage of loans that have been in REO for less than 100 days, with 14 of 41 remaining MABS assets (34%) having less than 100 days in inventory.
Forward Looking Objectives and Goals
xxvii. Lower days cash on hand than the previous year, even though they used that cash well it went down 16 days
All evidence below can be found in the 2005, 2012, and 2014 Annual reports. In 2005 Dollar Generals inventory turnover ratio was at 3.92 days however, it rose
What is the probability of rolling a four in the gambling dice game of craps (given two six sided dice)? 3/36 or 8.33%. What is the probability that a player can roll a four 3 times in a row (assume that rolling the dice each time does not affect the outcome of the next roll)? 3/36 x 3/36 x 3/36 = 27/46656 = 3/5184
As deputy manager it is within my job role to conduct monthly supervisions which then lead into an annual appraisal. At this time I currently have three supervisees.
(5 at baggin stations, 1 at 2 bulk stations, 2 at bulk bin station management)
* Close relationships can be formed between good friends, the closer the relationship becomes the more thoughts, feelings and hopes are shared
For calendar year 2014, the Organization had 108 cases totaling $326,226 reviewed, with 37 cases totaling $53,345 questioned/denied. January through March 2015 had 34 cases totaling $179,764 subject to review. Of those, 9 totaling $55,579 were in appeals at June 19, 2015.
The sensor industry is an attractive industry due to its’ rapid growth rates and high entry barriers. Additionally, there are no close substitute products. The bargaining power of suppliers is not a factor affecting the sensor industry at this time. However, the bargaining power of buyers is extremely strong, due to the fact that switching costs are low, and most product segments are fairly standardized. The sensor industry is also characterized by intense rivalry among six strong competitors.
there were over 400 participants and they expect to have over a thousand by 2020. In addition to
Inventory turnover in days is an assistant figure of inventory turnover. The shorter of the days, the faster of the inventory turning to cash, and the better use of short-term capital. This figure of the firm was very high in 2001 and began to fell down from 2002,then lower than industry in 2004 and 2005.This indicates the management of the firm became better.
Sysco’s goal is to get inventory levels down so that the turnover rate decreases to 9 days; using their warehouse management system, Sysco sees this as a goal that is reachable in the near future.
Mead & Hampson (1996) developed a study involving the divided visual field paradigm and a phonological rhyme/non-rhyme task to test the speed and accurateness of either side of the brain. This study was used to investigate functional asymmetry between the left and right hemispheres in phonological processing. The research was taken out equally on 15 male and 15 females London Metropolitan University students ranging from ages 18 – 35 years old. They were all specifically chosen to be right–handed and had English as their first language thus providing a fair experiment to see whether our left hemisphere (left side of the brain) or the right hemisphere is faster and more accurate. In conclusion using the mean and standard
Collection Period - Ross has an average collection period of 2.16 days, and TJX has an average collection period of 2.88 days. Although TJX has a higher collection period, it should be noted that their collection period has been
3. The organization is working in Plano, Texas with more than 200 representatives and in a territory of 38,000 square feet.
Summary of Progress from Prior Month 's Report RMS has been working with Assured, Ocwen and Altisource since the transfer of assets from Power REO to Ocwen on February 28, 2013. RMS continues to see instances where data appears incorrect and/or inconsistent. It is generally limited to current and original list price and date and as of recently, the estimated close date. As a result, statistics on days on market (“DOM”) may be inaccurate due to these data issues and when “Days on Market” are noted in this report they are RMS calculated estimates. Since RMS began working with Altisource, there have been 628 assets included in the REO project.