
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Research Paper

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Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, sometimes known as Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma is a type of breast cancer. I picked this cancer because my aunt was diagnosed with it a couple years back. Any type of breast cancer normally starts in the inner lining of the milk ducts or the lobules that supply them with milk. A breast cancer that started off in the lobules is known as Lobular Carcinoma. Whereas, breast cancer that starts off in the ducts are known as Ductal Carcinoma.
IDC is a ductal breast cancer because it developed in the ducts. When you have a physical exam and a mammogram and they show signs of IDC you’ll have a biopsy to collect cells to be analyzed. The doctor will be able to make a diagnosis by the results.

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