
Investigating Ethical Qualms Of The Modern Toilet

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Investigating Ethical Qualms of the Modern Toilet

Nina Levison

Initial interest and topic expansion
This paper started as a way to talk about my ethical qualms with the toilet and see if there was a scientific basis to back them up. More than a history or philosophy of how the modern toilet came to be, I wanted to see if there is scientific evidence to back up my idea of toilets and the modern sewage treatment systems as wasteful. In order to understand the wastefulness, or efficiency, of the toilet however, I had to answer the question, “what happens when we flush?” This may not be the most interesting or sexiest information about waste, but it is an important look into a part of the waste stream we contribute to daily, in fact, …show more content…

Modern sewage formed in response to the 1858 Great Stink of London. The Great Stink was a product of many factors. The introduction of flush toilets replacing previously popular chamber pots increased water and waste volume into cesspits. Additionally, these cesspits, once only used for excess rainwater collection, began to carry waste from slaughterhouses and factories, contaminating the city before its ultimate departure into the River Thames, which began to overflow with sewage along with its tributaries. All of this combined with an unusually hot summer encouraged bacterial growth, a rancid odor, and contributed to a cholera outbreak. In response, London built thousands of miles of underground pipe and created the modern sewage treatment system [3][4].

Two categories of sewage treatment
Sewage treatment can be broken into two categories - storm sewers and sanitary sewers [5].
1. Storm sewers
Storm sewers drain excess rain and groundwater from manmade infrastructure like roads and parking lots. Sometimes the water may be processed to remove stuff like car oil, but for the most part, they get less treatment than sanitary sewers or sometimes none at all[5].
2. Sanitary sewers
Sanitary sewers are processed to clean up human waste. Although there are many methods of dealing with human waste, the generally accepted method in North America consists of a three-stage sewage treatment system. In this essay I will

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