
Investigation of Online Service Quality of Hsbc, with Regard to Customer Satisfaction Case Study Based on Hsbc Bank (Uk)

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Investigation of online service quality of HSBC, with regard to customer satisfaction
Case study based on HSBC Bank (UK)

Nishar chozhivalappil

Dissertation submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree in master of business administration at
University of wales

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The theoretical methodology adopted in this research study has been developed according to an existing methodology which was designed in measuring the quality of online services offered by the HSBC bank. Mathematical analysis has been conducted on the basis of experiential data which has been collected via quantitative research techniques along with …show more content…

1:Data sources selection for the Literature Review 3 Figure 2. 2:Totasourceived Quality. 5 Figure 2. 3:perceived e-SQ Dimensions 11 Figure 2. : :E-S-QUAL Dimensions and Their Description 12 Figure 2.5 : eterminants of Customer Satisfaction 14 Figure 2. 6: Model for gauging the standard of real-time services in the banking sector 17

Figure 3.1: Outline of the Chapter Three 22 Figure 3.2: Snapshot of Overall Research Approach 23 Figure 3.3: Research Onion 24 Figure 3.4:Different type of Research Strategy for This Research 27 Figure 3. 5:Population and Sample 31

Figure 4. 1:Conceptual Framework of the Research 42 Figure 4. 2: Data Analytical Approaches 42 Figure 4. 3: Scale Explanation 43 Figure 4. 4:Validation Criteria for research 44 Figure 4. 5:Gender 44 Figure 4. 6:Age 45 Figure 4. 7:Number of years customer

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