
Iphone Lab Report

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Quick solutions to fix iPhone checking for update stuck
If iPhone stuck on checking for update issue and you have no idea what to do and how to come out of it? Then reading out this guide will make you understand the issue and ways to rectified the situation.
Many iOS versions have been released and the users are very fond to update their iPhone with new features and technologies. In all of sudden, if your iPhone stuck on checking for update what will be next move?
If you tried to download the iOS and all of sudden your iPhone stuck on checking for update. You were unbelievable to understand the process. Sometimes, you may come across this type of unavoidable scenario. We give you the quick solutions to fix …show more content…

> Here in this situation, just wait for a while- say about 60 seconds> After that repress device sleep and wake button to turn on the iphone back. That’s it, now your device is ready with refreshed data. Most of the time all of the issues gets resolved following these simple steps.
Tip 3: Remove extra storage
If you are an extensive users of iPhone then there might be the chances that the device is studded with lots of stuff, many of the stuff are useful, but side by side we keep on storing extra things that use to acquire a large space of the device, making it slow in processing as well as sometimes causes hindrance against various task such as iPhone stuck on checking for update issue.
Solution to this problem is quite simple, for that first thing you need to assess that how much data is utilizing by your device and how much space is left out. For that the required steps are as follows:
For that go to settings> general> about, under this heading you will have the information about the capacity of the device and how much space is left.

In case little or no space is left, then on priority basis
a. Delete unused app for long time
b. Deleting extra data such as media files, old text messages.
c. Clearing the cache memory.
d. Removing old browsing history data, Safari cache, etc.
Just follow above points to remove extra data, and your device is ready to go for further update process.
Tip 4: Reset the Network
If still problem persists and

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