
Is Abortion Morally Right or Wrong

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Is Abortion Morally Right or Wrong Kirstyn Fletcher PHI 103 Informal Logic Anthony Biduck October 26, 2011 What About it is Considered Moral or Unmoral? This subject is probably one of the top five most controversial subjects in the world today. Is it immoral to kill an unborn child? Do we have the right to choose what grows in our bodies before it becomes a citizen in America? Will God punish you for killing a person? So many questions go into this type of situation of what’s morally right or wrong about this matter. In my opinion with abortion it is confusing to really who side to be on in this debate. Me personally I would never have an abortion and have bumped into that situation along the way in my life but do I think it’s …show more content…

We also all as human being were given the right to free will and the right to choose period. So why should it be anyone else business on what we choose to do? If it is so deemed unmoral wouldn’t we be the ones who would have to answer to it on judgment day? I don’t really agree with killing of course but, have it even been proven that the embryo is a living being? My opinion is the women should have the right to choose what they want to do and no one should take that away from them because of their strong religious belief. And it definitely beats how children are born into a world of hate, war, and greed. I have one even better sperm is considered a living organisms, so would it be unmoral for a man to allow their sperm to be killed when they use a condom. Life and death is the way of life and if a man use a condom to prevent pregnancy why can’t a women use a pill or procedure to do the same? References

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