
Is Nora Helmer A Hero

Decent Essays

The repetition of the question is Nora Helmer a hero? A hero is someone who is very brave in what they do with great determination and great noble qualities. Nora Helmer throughout the play “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen, shows these qualities. Nora and Torvald don’t have the normal married life. Their communication skills with each other aren't there, so how would they truly be happy with each other? Also, Nora leaves her husband and kids, but it’s all for a specific reason of Nora Helmer to be the hero she is. Nora shuts herself away from those who she knows cares and loves her, but it’s also for a brave and courageous reason. Throughout the play; character Nora Helmer changes ways as a mother and wife for the good in what she believes in. The key to a happy marriage is communication. If there is no communication, then there's no happiness or love. Torvald and Nora haven’t sat down and had a real conversation over the past 8 years, according to Nora. That’s when she finally realizes she’s made a mistake. Nora has been living a lie and she braces herself and breaks it to Torvald. Nora says “I have waited so patiently for eight years; for goodness knows, I knew very well those wonderful things don’t happen every day. Then this horrible misfortune came upon me, and then I felt quite certain that the wonderful thing was going to happen at last. When Krogstad’s letter was lying out there, never for a moment did I imagine that you would consent this man’s conditions? I was

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