
Is Web Analytics And Metrics For You?

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Is web analytics and metrics for you?
When getting into the back bone of online marketing you have to think about how much your business is generating and if you can afford a web analytic program. Online marketing can be really expensive and confusing if you don’t have any marketing experience. In one of my previous post I touch on social media marketing.
When choosing a web analytic program or software you most take into consideration a couple of things. For instance, is it understandable, affordable and usable. A web analytic is like getting grades. It is constantly giving you grades and feedback on how you are doing online. Without some certain web analytic program it would be like being lost in the middle of the woods with no compass. Imagine having no idea where society is located, how would you know which way to go. Web analytic is like the compass directing you in which way improvement need to be made. How else would you determine according to Brain Clifton things like “is the visitor experience a good one, encouraging engagement, repeat visits, and sales, or are visitors bouncing off your website after viewing a single page?” (Clifton, 2012). These are all very important things that can help improve your online marketing and the effectiveness of your website. Online business owners if not on board with this should start soon.
One very popular web analytic program out there is Google Analytic. Google analytic is very popular because it offers free serves until you

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