
Islam Is A Religion Of Islam

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"Islam is Peace" said by George W Bush the U.S. President at Islamic Center of Washington, D.C after the terrible 9/11 attacks. The president’s speech’s main point was to calm down the American streets and the fear inside the citizens towards Muslims people. However, Islam is a religion that is found globally and guided by the Sharia laws which are in their religious book called the Quran. They worship their God Allah through his messenger Mohammed. Islam is prohibiting its followers from the democracy that many people around the world enjoy by suppressing their freedom of speech, action, and association with other cultures. Islam is a religion that has been known to reject democracy and also speaks against other religions like Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism. The laws of man that guide people here on earth do not have any meaning in the Islamic religion because the laws that man has made are not found in the Quran. Hence the laws are not among the Sharia laws that fundamentalist Muslims follow. A 2013 study by Ruud Koopmans finds that:” Islamic fundamentalism is widespread among European Muslims with the majority saying religious rules are more important than civil laws and three quarters rejecting religious pluralism within Islam.” (WZB) Therefore, fundamentalist Muslims tend to ignore the human laws which have been made by the state and governments to help in the peaceful coexistence between people of different religions, cultures as well as the races. The result of

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