
It Did Not Surprise Me By Emily Dickinson

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Emily Dickinson knows like most people that parents go through a time in which their children must leave them to go live on their own and to experience life for themselves. This is always a time of pain and sadness for a parent, but many parents understand the need for the child to move on. Though she never had kids, this theme seems evident in Dickinson’s poem “It did not surprise me.” Emily Dickinson often wrote about the loss of someone she cherished in life and would surely understand a parent’s grief in this situation. In this poem, Dickinson is willing to accept the loss of a minor love once in her life, but she is not willing to accept the loss of a stronger love for someone else revealing that she will seek to keep those that she loves even if it means restricting her loved one. Emily Dickinson establishes in the first stanza of her poem that she understands the idea that someone she cares about may leave her. She begins her poem by saying, “It did not surprise [her]” (37) when it was time for the bird to leave its nest. Dickinson is attempting to agree with the natural idea that this bird will eventually leave her one day. It is inevitable that a child will one day move on from his or her parents bringing about a certain pain to those that love him or her. However, this does not dismiss the pain she feels from her love leaving. The three dashes she uses in the first two lines lengthen the time for the reader to get to the revelation that Dickinson’s love

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