
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia By George Orwell

Decent Essays

Controlling, shaping and changing the general opinion fascinate me and the ability to give a voice to the voiceless has pushed me into learning the artistries of the media world. I believe that communicating is a fundamental pillar of human experience; we have to communicate with each other because, far from being a need or a survival instinct, media has evolved into something more than a visual aspect. Studying media at post 16 has opened my eyes on how media has the power to create and stop social change. Doing a school project on “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” made me realise what could happen if the medium through which information is transferred was controlled by the wrong establishment. After understanding that, I became more interested in how the media can be made free from oppression and only be used for the right causes. …show more content…

His novel is considered as a warning to the masses but when comparing his social commentary to today’s society, I would not even consider his book as a warning to the masses but I would consider it as a survival guide in our always more totalitarian world. One of my greatest extracurricular achievements was working in partnership with the Thames Valley Police and a local radio station (Radio Wexham) to deliver a documentary about homophobia so that we could sensibilise teenagers on a controversial topic. Being selected by a radio station for such an important project not only gave me the opportunity to have a real insight of the media business but it was also my turning point, being in such environment is what made me realised my love for the

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