
Understanding the Concept involved in Media Communication Essay

Decent Essays

Before my fascination for the media world developed I like everyone else was subconsciously a part of it. TV news, magazines I read, commercials I watched and video games I played in my spare time, have all given me the urge to understand the concepts involved in media communication. The media and the world it creates around us is always there whether we are aware of it or not. Becoming a media student was like learning the tricks of the trade, being let in on all these secrets and I loved knowing why the media did things and how they accomplished them. By studying media at degree level I feel I will be able to enhance my interest for the subject as well as expand my current knowledge and be able to gain new skills. This will enable me to …show more content…

b) Nova Magazine Hull Macmillan Cancer Support Charity Ball - For this particular event I worked alongside Nova Magazine Hull. I was one of the hosts, director and producer of the overall film piece that my team and I had created. I took with me to the event 4 production crew members to assist as hosts, sound management and camera operators. c) Geek Patrol Production LAN Gaming Tournaments - For the gaming tournaments and events that my production company covered, I was the lead host, director and producer for the short pieces that my team and I had created. To each of these events I would bring between 2 to 4 members to assist as audio recordists, location manager and camera operators. Since my early childhood I have been involved in sports such as rugby, athletics and basketball. Competing to be the best is what motivates me the most. I enjoy testing myself in new situations and pushing myself to the best of my abilities. I also have a continuing interest in performing arts and have played in several productions with Hull Truck Theatre (Quadrophenia, 10-18 Writers Festival) and local drama groups (Hedon Amateur Dramatics). These experiences further strengthened my confidence and self esteem and subsequent desire to study Creative Media Production at Hull College. Here I was able to put my skills to the test to see how I work amongst other colleagues. I am ambitious, creative, sociable and prepared to work hard for success. Studying Film and

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