
It's Time To Legalize Animal Filters

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Animals all over the globe are being euthanized without limitation. There are two main reasons, with countless subcategories, about why animals are being put down. The first is overpopulation, which is not justified at all; the second is from illnesses, which may be for a good cause if the animal is suffering. Animals are breathing, feeling beings and euthanasia should not be forced on them because we humans feel that there are too many of them.

Animal shelters put their animals to sleep because there are so many animals given to them. Sometimes, when people are given animals as gifts, they don't want them and drop them off at the local pound. Puppies and kittens are often adopted young and adorable. After a while, superficial pet owners decide that their pets have overstayed their welcome or have outgrown their cuteness and decide to get rid of them. As a result, the shelters become overcrowded with older animals and must euthanize the animals that have been there for a while to make room for new animals that have more of a chance at being adopted. It is a system that must be abolished, as …show more content…

Not every environment is a pet-friendly one. Sometimes a person has to move from their home and their new place does not permit animals. The owner then has to attempt to home their pet and if they are unsuccessful in this endeavour, they admit their pet to a shelter where the animal will most likely be euthanized should it not be adopted. This is a perfectly young, beautiful, and healthy animal that had to die because there are too many of its kind. Other times, a couple adopts a puppy together. Years later, a baby is born. It is all fun and games until the child's allergy to the dog is discovered. The couple then gives away their dog to a shelter and the child is told that the dog is on a farm with many butterflies to chase. It is very upsetting for everyone and an error made by us,

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