
Jeff Syme: Case Study

Decent Essays

I sat down with Jeff Syme, a Senior Communications Specialist at The Metropolitan Council. Jeff’s main responsibility is internal communication. Jeff is a writer, editor and photographer. He spends most of his time writing and taking photographs for the company newsletter.
Jeff had always had a strong background in writing and knew in middle school that he wanted to grow up to become a writer. Jeff joined the school newspaper in high school, he did so well he became the editor of the paper. Jeff attended Macalister College for 1 year where he took most of his general studies. He transferred to the University of Minnesota, where he received his bachelors of arts in Journalism. While at the U of M Jeff tried for the school newspaper but never succeeded. In the world of college newspapers it wasn’t how well you wrote, it was who you knew on the paper. This aspect is far too common on jobs these days, it’s not what you know, but who you know.
After graduating college he moved to Alamosa, …show more content…

But an educated person (aka “a smart person”) also is compassionate, empathetic, generous, caring, helpful, resourceful, honest, spiritual (however defined) and hard-working, Like I said, it’s not all about levels of structures academia (aka college degree). Thinking twice about the question, I guess I define “educated person” as being curious and being willing to learn new things every day, all the time. The more the better, the deeper the knowledge, and the wider the range of subjects, “the wisdom of years” as they say. (Jeff Syme,

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