
Introduction. Nowadays, There Are More And More People

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Nowadays, there are more and more people educated in different degrees and different ways. It seems that "education" has become a common word in daily life and it seems to be easy to understand. In fact, education, as a social activity, with a long history of development, a complex and diverse internal structure, interacts with other social activities in multilevel and multifaceted way.
Through the long history,educators,thinkers,politicians and scholars have answered the question of what education is in different ways: some see it from the perspective of educational value,some see it from the perspective of educational purposes,some see it from the perspective of educational content and methods,and some see it from the …show more content…

And education does exist in the form of activities in real life. Education is a two-character long word in Chinese and can be explained separately. Shuowen Jiezi (literally:"Explaining Graphs and Analyzing Characters") written by Xu Shen,an early 2nd-century Chinese dictionary from the Han Dynasty. From this dictionary, education is adults’ impact to children or the upper class’s impact to the lower class. And its purpose is to make the educated be good, usually by imitation. That is, education is the activity of influencing with the purpose of those with upper status (monarch, parents, teachers, etc.) on those in a lower status (courtiers, children, students, etc.).
In ancient Greek,"education"was associated with the term"churchman", a term used to refer to slaves who specialize in taking care of children. In other words, education is the activity of nurturing the next generation.
The Cambridge dictionary defines education in British English as the process of teaching or learning, especially in a school or college, or the knowledge that you get from this. It is clear this definition divide into two parts, one is on the behalf of educators and the educated, the other emphasizes the result of the process that knowledge is obtained. The former focus on the activity of the teacher delivering knowledge our students receiving knowledge while the latter counts the result of this activity.
From the analysis of"education"in

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