
Jephah Judges 11 Analysis

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- In Judges 11, Jephthah’s acceptance and God’s silence about Jephthah’s vow are the terror of this text. Jephthah exchanged his daughter with victory against the Ammonites. I am wondering whether Jephthah did not know his daughter will come out to meet him. Jephthah’s daughter was the only child. Although I do not know well about the tradition and culture at that time, I think Jephthah can think her daughter or her wife will be one of the sacrifices. If he did not know about it, he should try to do something to save his daughter. Jephthah even does not try to ask God whether there is another way instead of sacrificing his daughter. Furthermore, Jephthah blames the situation on his daughter in verse 35.
Moreover, God is silence in this text. …show more content…

These texts named the wicked men of the city as “the wicked”, but I would like to say the owner of the house and the Levite are also “the wicked”.
The owner of the house believes the Levite is more important than his daughter in v.24. It was the first time for the owner to see the Levite, but he thought to give his daughter to the wicked men for protecting the Levite. Furthermore, the owner ignores the concubine’s right as well. The owner of house even did not ask the Levite about taking and sending concubine outside. The attitude of the owner of house represents that he does not respect women’s right.
I cannot understand the Levite’s actions. In verse 28, how he can say, “get up, let’s go”? At least he should say “sorry”. The worst part is that he cut up his concubine. Although he blames on the men of Gibeah by saying, “[the men of Gibeah] committed this lewd and outrageous act in Israel” in Judges 20:6, I believe that he also involved in that happen because he was silent when the outrageous act was happening. He just let it happen. For me, the Levite seems to make the reason to fight with

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