
Jesus Came Not To Serve Analysis

Decent Essays

The Church continually says that Jesus resides in all of us. Crazy, right? This means that he resides in you too. But how is Jesus living in your little 10 year old body? ⇾Jesus made himself the servant of all men and even said , “the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve” (Mark 10:45). I see that same drive to serve in you, Aleera, in every made bed and in every voluntary cleaning of the living room. Anyone can see the effort you put into serving others’ physical and emotional needs. After listening to the story of you comforting Amaya and seeing the amount of time you spent making her a going away card, I can attest to that statement. None of this would be possible if you didn’t have Jesus’ loving heart. The amount of compassion that …show more content…

In all areas of his life, when he was with someone, he was fully engrossed in what they were saying. This is something that can be said of you too (minus the staying alive in a desert for forty days part). With gifted projects, it’s all you think about until it is finally done. With school poems, you practice tirelessly until you have it memorized. With choir, I can hear you practicing “super duper double bubble gum” for days after your Friday night choir practice. Stay committed DD. It’s one of your best qualities. I can’t even begin to describe all the ways that you’re wonderful, but hey, at least I tried. You make me laugh and I’m sure you make Dane laugh (*wink wink*). You’re a light in this world and I know I can count on you for anything. You’re my confidant from things like Shawn Mendes to weird stuff like dreams that we had. (Sorry, Shawn is playing right now and I had to include him). Mom said the other day that you’re our little performer and wow is she right. Everything you do is filled with emotion. It’s what makes you you. I wish I could share some wonderful little anecdote about when I first saw you in all your pink, tiny babyish glory, but unfortunately I was way too young to remember

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